Monday, November 06, 2006

So, what do you all think???

by NewsNetNebraska
November 05, 2006

As verdicts go, it may be one of the most profound in world history. Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, has been sentenced to death by a Baghdad court after being found guilty of crimes against humanity.

When the judge announced the sentence on Sunday, Saddam, 69 appeared shaken at first but later recovered and shouted: "Allahu Akbar!" [God is greatest] and "Long live the nation!"

"It's a good day for the Iraqi people," White House spokesman Tony Snow said.


dad-e~O said...

"a great day for democracy" the proble with the internet, is no one can see my tounge in my cheek.
I don't think the guy should be roaming around any more, but hangin'? criminy does't that seem awfully barbaric. why not draw and quarter him!

Sickboy said...

Iraq law requires hanging as their form of execution.

dad-e~O said...

untill recently it required an election for a dictator too.

Scott said...

It seems quite reasonable that he has to be telling him self I wish they would have just shot me when they found me. It seems he has been dead man on parade since that moment... I mean really a trial!!! at the very least if he were exonerated of any thing it would be the charges the Sush admin accused him of, but what would that be worth?

At least he should take comfort in knowing that hanging (internal decapitation) is at the least very quick.

Mark M said...

Peter... "A great day for democracy" -- you should trademark that, if the White House hasn't already.

In that part of the world, succession of governments has often been done through force -- with dissident or disloyal groups decapitating (literally!) the leadership. Here's the fate of Iraqi leaders of the '50s and '60s... 1958: Nuri al-Said was deposed and executed, along with previous Iraqi leader 'Abd al-Ilah; 1963: Abdul Karim Qassim was overthrown and executed; 1968: Abdul Rahman Arif was ousted and sent into exile.

Saddam's death sentence isn't justice... It's just more of the same.

dad-e~O said...

but isn't this whole awful war about ending the tyrany of the last century in the middle east?
you'd think mabye under the circumstances someone would have convinced the judge or jury to pick a less archaic method of execution.
oh well, it IS a young democracy.
who am I to judge, I'm just a restaurant manager.