Thursday, November 09, 2006

some local news....

This guy is pretty much an idiot, but it is making local news here....

Iowa Governor Kicks Off Dem. Race For White House

November 9, 2006 11:10 a.m. EST

William Macklin - All Headline News Staff Writer
Des Moines, Iowa (AHN) - He may lack the big name visibility of Hillary Rodham Clinton or the national campaign experience of John Edwards, but Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa can claim something the others can't: the right to say he's the first Democrat to officially enter the race for the White House in 2008.

On Thursday, Vilsack established a presidential campaign committee by filing documents with the Federal Election Commission, the AP reports.

A dark horse in a field that could include New York Sen. Clinton and 2004 vice-presidential nominee Edwards, Vilsack used his party's successes in Tuesday's mid-term elections to make the case for his campaign.

"Americans sent a clear message on Tuesday," he said in a statement. "They want leaders who will take this country in a new direction. They want leaders who share their values, understand their needs, and respect their intelligence. That's what I've done as governor of Iowa, and that's what I intend to do as president."


Scott said...

Any one caught even mentioning the word "Election" so soon after an election should be disqualified!

I am thinking 8 months might be a nice period to recover, and forget.

Mark M said...

Don't know much about Vilsack, but there must be something wrong with anyone who is that eager to run for President.

dad-e~O said...

I concur Mark, the dude needs a doctor.
that being said. with all the other big D canidates, good luck to him

Martin said...

I've heard wiser men than I saying that the ones who feel compelled to lead are usually the ones least suited to do so.

Just to add to the anti politician sentiment here, I'll bust out a quote from, I think, Daniel Webster"
"In all ages there are men who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." Basically, mistrust anyone who wants to be in charge.

Anyway, this guy doesn't stand a chance. Either Obama, or God forbid, Hillary Clinton, will wreck this guy in the primary. Although I don't think the Dems should trot out Obama yet. They should save him for after the Dems take the whitehouse in 08, fuck everything up like any other party with control of congress and the white house and then have a fight on their hands in '12 or 16.