Thursday, November 16, 2006

Strong Stomach?

the aussies take their gov't ant-smoking warnings pretty seriosly.
these are some pretty pictures to see every time you buy a pack of smokes.


Sickboy said...

Wow, thats pretty hardcore, Im glad they dont do that here.

Scott said...

I liked the cause of death in Australia chart. So much for the scourge of illegal drugs when there are so many legal ways to kill your self.

Sickboy said...

good point, never thought of that.

BTW, I have set my quit date for Jan 1st. I will be going to the dr. to get patches and the like to help me along.

Im pretty anxious and nervous about it.

dad-e~O said...

being nervous about it won't help. and start at the apointed hour, not "when you run out of smokes.
here is a link with some pretty cool inspiration:

just cut and paste it into a browser address bar and read the thread. I know cyling isn't your thing, but many of these people are tattoo'd punks too.

dad-e~O said...

and Good Luck, If I can quit any one can. I was pretty dedicated.

Scott said...

I agree with Pete, finding a sport or other type of physical activity that you can use to replace your smoking habbit. For one thing it helps keep your mind off your addiction, its a great place to put your aggression (and you are going to need it), and when you are done you eve feel better. Any how I was doing alot of single track mountain bike riding when I first quit it helped me as well.

Go find a way that suits you and do it.

Sickboy said...

thanks for the pointers brothers, I know Im gonna need it.