Tuesday, November 07, 2006

You Decide 2006

Happy voting day!

Will you guys be making it to the polls today?


dad-e~O said...

oh yea, this is Chicago, vote early, vote often, vote democrat (if your Mark).

Scott said...


Any of you get to use one of the new electronic machines? Any thoughts…any problems?

Sickboy said...

I cant vote today because Im not registered here due to my recent move, but what were the elec. machines like?

Were they intimidating?

dad-e~O said...

do to lack of confidence in the "electro voting" process. I used the paper and pen method. "draw a line connecting the parts of the arrow" to bad about the hanging chads, those machines seemed so easy to use.

dad-e~O said...

iv'e decided today was a all political music day, featuring artists like the Dead Kennedys, Rage against the machine, mabye a little fugazi and Ministry just for fun. and of course "rock against Bush volume 1 &2"

dad-e~O said...

E, you should vote absentie

Sickboy said...

I thought about that too, but I didnt follow the cantidates close enough to make a wise (haha) decision.

Sickboy said...

Is that Rock Against Bush any good? Ive heard about it.

dad-e~O said...

OK, a couple of jems, like any compilation

Sickboy said...

yeah, a good comp. can be hard to find.

I think Social D. is on one of the two CDs.

I think.

dad-e~O said...

yes, the 1st

Martin said...

I used the paper ballot too. There were 2 electronic voting machines for my district, but one of them appeared to be down.