Sunday, July 29, 2007


This is the third time this has happened so I figured it was time to share. As it goes it’s Sunday night and we are eating dinner in our kitchen when all of the sudden “C” starts to holler “Balloon Balloon!!” To which my wife and I look at him and think WTF is he talking about? But this is the third time so by now we know to turn around and we will see hot air balloons floating in the sky over our back yard. Any how “C’s” enthusiasm is shared by all of us and we all race out the door and hang out in our yard to see all of them (4 to 6) pass. I suspect our neighbors think we are a little juvenile, over some thing I am sure they have seen many time before, but to us it is still very new and novel. Any hoo, here is “C” sporting the fat lip sitting on my lap watching the air parade.

Valerie Loves Me, Material Issue


Sickboy said...

Material Issue brings back memories, not that Id listen to them now but.....

Right now in Indianola Iowa (about 20 miles S. of Des Moines) is a big hot air baloon festival taking place. The ex and the kid went last night....

Sickboy said...

this is a GREAT pic of you and your little one by the way.

dad-e~O said...

great photo.