Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Can someone be born evil?

Are evil people born or made?

Ulysses Handy was 24 when he walked into a friend's home in Tacoma, Wash., looking to steal money he knew was there.

He shot Darren Christian and Daniel Varo at point-blank range, and then turned his gun on a total stranger, unarmed and defenseless 21-year-old Lindy Cochran. When questioned about her reaction and asked whether she had begged for her life, Handy said, "She didn't say a damn word. She was shellshocked."

He explained that her terror didn't set him back at all.

Watch Bill Weir's interview with Ulysses Handy, Friday on "20/20's" special "Hell: Our Fear and Fascination," at 10 p.m. EDT

He continued, "I feel there are two kinds of people in the world — us and them. Predator and prey. Well, I'm damn sure not no prey."

No Remorse

Handy was arrested and pleaded guilty. At his sentencing, he spoke to the victims' families. "I know there's people here hurt. Yeah, well, pain is a part of life. Deal with it. Get over it."

---Pretty sick guy. Do you think people can be born evil?---


Martin said...

Evil? I think that there are socio- or psychopathic acts that could be described as evil. I would guess that the prevailing attitude around the blog would be to avoid using that word because of it's connotation. I can see why people would want to attribute some kind of mental illness to explain if not excuse his actions.

Would I personally call this guy evil? Hell, yes. This guy is a monstrous animal and deserves nothing better than to be treated like a rabid dog. The guy has as much empathy for his victims as a shark does. Difference is, the shark kills to survive, this guy killed because he wanted something.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this guy said what he did just to get on TV? I was thinking about that show cops and how all the "Bad Guys" on that program have to sign a release form to have their picture aired. Either way I hope this guy is kept out of society for his remainder.

Sickboy said...

This guy should fry. Thats all Im saying.

Sickboy said...

"Handy was arrested and pleaded guilty. At his sentencing, he spoke to the victims' families. "I know there's people here hurt. Yeah, well, pain is a part of life. Deal with it. Get over it."

anyone with a thought process like that should be put away for a very very long time if not more. That is not normal. Pain is indeed a part of life, but not when your family is ripped away from you and killed by some animal like they were with this guy. Thats all he is...an animal. This guy is the kind of jagoff, that slips through the cracks of the justice system and is out on "good behaviour" in 10 or 15 years while some guy w ho got caught with a pound of weed in his car goes in for 50 damn years.

This guy makes me sick to my stomach. It scares me. It makes me wanna run away and no longer be a part of society..its an embarassment. Just snatch up the ex and my kid and go far away.....

dad-e~O said...

Evil is as good of word as any.
but is it nurture or nature.
Was this cat taught from infancy that this sort of thing is OK.
I'm not giving him an accuse, cause if a dog is trained to bite anyone that comes near it. That dog will need to be put down.