Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hey Offmen… Thanks!

The other day I was thinking about something I had learned from Pat M, and that thought lead me to think there was possibly a little some thing from all of you to be thankful for. So I thought about it for some time and jotted things down when they came to me. In the end I found there were a lot of good memories and for those I am most thankful.

Patrick M, Thank you for your great deal of patience in teaching me the game of chess.

John T M, Thanks for teaching me to never be afraid to cut my own hair, and also how to eat with chop-sticks.

Frank, I think I speak for most all Offmen in saying thanks for introducing us to Big Black.

Ian K, I was unable to think of any thing I learned from you but, your job at Metro did make for some great part time employment for a few of us(wow those are memories!)

Mark, That even my worst dribble here on the OMI blog can be responded to in a most eloquent and thoughtful manor. Your words inspire me to be more academic when creating posts, or comments (I obviously have a long way to go).

Michael S, Where do I begin? All those little suggestions you made about my study habits and I ignored back in the day, now make them self’s so useful.

Martin, I learned that you are more that just a really nice guy. In fact, you are as exceptionally intelligent as your lovely wife (possibly even more so, because you are an Offmen).

Mike T, Thank you so very much for introducing me to the music that would forever change my life (Thanks Mike with out you I might still be stuck listening to Van Halen while secretly holding a hidden affection for The Pet Shop Boys).

Tom J, Thanks for showing me that even my small bit of Irish heritage should never be take lightly.

Joe S, I learned that my hair clippers really did in fact get very hot after long periods of use, and that I should take the complaints of those who’s Mohawks I am shaving seriously. Sorry about burning your scalp buddy!

Pi Baker, From you I learned that I don’t know all of the old Offmen as well as I thought I did. I know we met once… but I have no face with the name.

Steve B, I learned during a memorable 2 hour car ride from Phoenix to Flag Staff that I know nothing about the Vampire role playing game scene, and that you carry the most amazing volume of info of any Offmen on fantasy roll playing and D&D.

dad-e~O, That even in this day there are people who can write about politics in an objective and friendly manor. A very noble ability for one of which I am jelous.

CreamyGnocchi, What I learned from you will stay between you and I.

Phil M, I learned that your brother John and I were just a pair of dufus mechanics compared to your ability to understand the drum brakes on my old Dodge Charger. Oh and also that thing about the sock as well.

John K, Alright truth be told I can’t think of any thing I have learned from you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Some day we will figure out your computer issues and get you to participate in our fun on the old OMI blog.

Mike Mc, What I learned from you although no big secret, still it best remains left alone back in that corn field in front of the OMI camp site.

Scott L, From you I have learned that my mind is not what it used to be… who the hell were you any ways?

Bob L, From you I learned that honesty and integrity will always prevail… even if it takes a while. It took a long time for you to be fully indoctrinated into the fold, but I always believed in you and was thrilled when it finally happened (although my Idea to involve hot sauce in your induction ceremony was likely a big mistake).

Christian B, From you I learned that the lyrics to any old song could be rewritten and turned into an entirely new one all about John T Miller…and also hold the distinction of some how remaining recognizable.

Rick R, From you I learned that even when your dog Dolly (a large Rottweiler) growled at me it was just her way just saying hello and I like you.

Jason, You taught me that we are all prejudiced. It was a tough pill to swallow back in the day, but I think I finally get it.

Eric, I have learned from you that friendship can endure more than one could imagine. I am quite thankful we are still friends to this day.

Randy G, You taught me how to safely release my anger and rage on inanimate objects destine for the compactor.

Boom Boom, John Lee Hooker


Sickboy said...

Along with PJB, you Scott are one of the few people I consider family(Martin, youre in there too). We have been friends for a long time, almost half my life and I think of you very often. I love you as a brother not like a brother, because to me, you ARE a brother.

dad-e~O said...

Jeesh Scott, I feel all warm and fuzzy.
serouisly, this little bit of emotion could not have come at a better time for me.

dad-e~O said...

Thanks to you Scott for being a good person. And making an effort to trully live the golden rule. treat others the way you would like to be treated.

steve butt said...

thanks for the love man and i hope that is not my only contribution though.