Sunday, July 08, 2007

home please....

d Matti)
The Associated Press

A flurry of bombings in Baghdad killed 26 people Sunday, and officials said the death toll from a giant suicide truck blast that devastated the market of a Shiite town north of the capital a day earlier could be more than 130.

Officials earlier had said Saturday's bombing in the town of Armili killed 115 people, one of the deadliest attacks in Iraq in months. The blast suggested Sunni insurgents are moving further north to strike in less protected regions beyond the U.S. security crackdown in Baghdad and on the capital's northern doorstep.

The string of attacks Sunday morning in Baghdad made clear that extremists can still unleash organized strikes in the capital despite a relative lull in violence there in past weeks amid the U.S. offensives.

Two car bombs detonated nearly simultaneously in Baghdad's mostly Shiite Karrada district, killing eight people. The first hit at 10:30 a.m., near a closed restaurant, destroying stalls and soft drink stands. Two passers-by were killed and eight wounded, a police official said.

---yet one of the many reasons we just need to call it a loss and come the hell home!!!! This shit just isnt working anymore...too many of our soldiers are coming up dead and I dont even wanna begin to mention the political ramifications of all of this, but what were we to do?---


Martin said...

My concern is what happens when we pull the troops out. Will it degenerate to a state of warring factions eventually emerging as a country run by a extremists, a la Afghanistan after they eventually repelled the former Soviet Union?
That situation is certainly possible, if not probable.
I'm not trying to justify the inception of the war, far from it. At worst we were lied to, at best our government acted on woefully inaccurate intelligence.
Keeping our troops there certainly has it's obvious consequences. But what are the consequences of not keeping our troops there. I'm not toeing the whole "fight the terrorists there or we fight them here" line. I don't buy that line of thought. There are so many other factors and possibilities involved, but whatever choice is made, the consequences won't be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Martin I couldn't agree with you more!

Sickboy said...

I agree with y ou on most of your point, but I still do now feel that it is time to get outta there on a large scale level. I think we will always have to have troops there on some sort of level.