Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's quote

Having smoking and non-smoking sections in the same room is like having urinating and non-urinating sections in a swimming pool.

Ross Parker


dad-e~O said...

Illinois just went Non Smoking State wide. sweet

Sickboy said...

Pretty soon you wont be able to smoke inside your own home. Total b.s.

dad-e~O said...

you will always be abe to smoke in your own home. Unless they illegalise Cigerettes, which is not impossible to beleive. considering they are worse for your then 50% (or so) of the ilegal drugs.
But you will not be able to subjuect the workers in restaurants and bars to second hand smoke.

Sickboy said...

Come beat a hardcore, sanity threatening addcition and then Ill believe you that ciggys are worse for you then most street drugs.

Street drugs fry your brain. They turn you into a social degenerate. They make you lie, cheat and steal. The cost people their children, their families and their lives.

Smokes MIGHT give you cancer or emphesyma and a few others ailemtns and thats not even for certain. Not every single person that smokes in their life gets sick because of it.

Illegal "street" drugs ruin lives, smokes dont.

You dont hear about it too often when someone actually dies of 2nd hand smoke exposure. Put a crack pipe in theri mouth and there is a 75% change youre a dead man within 6 months.

Yeah, I smoke, its the only vice I have left. DO I have a problem with restaurants being smoke free? NO, not really. But bars, come on, give me a damn break. ahlg teh damn people that walk out of a bar on any given night are prolly too drunk to drive....ciggys dont impair your judgement.

drugs do.

end rant.

Martin said...

There are a few loopholes in the smoking ban, like bowling alleys and certain hotels. Appearantly people who work in bowling alleys aren't worth saving.
This whole thing being about this being for the good of the people is bullshit. It's about businesses and insurance companies trying to avoid lawsuits from employees suing for unsafe work environments. The politicians put this touchy-feely spin on it so it looks like they care. It's about lobbyists.
As far as smoking in your own home, the nanny state will eventually make it illegal to smoke in your own home if there are minors present. I don't smoke in the house at all anymore. I haven't since since Mo was pregnant with our oldest kid. I also don't smoke in the car if the girls are in there with me.
And to that proposed $.75 tax increase on smokes; where is the money they "need" going to come from when more people quit smoking and the tax proceeds diminish? They'll have to find something else to demonize and blame for our social ills so they can tax the hell out of that. All you people who like to eat meat, watch out. It's unhealthy and causes all sorts of health problems, better tax the hell out of that so we can fund the Illinois senators trip to Hawaii for the State Legislators of America conference.

dad-e~O said...

As a restaurant worker I can tell you the vast majority of my staff prefer to work in a place that doesn't allow smoking.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, they just raised the tax here a dollar per pack. People are livid. Here smokes used to be 3.60 a pack now its 4.60 a pack. Ridiculous. I don't see them raising the tax on alcohol hough, why not is my question?

In my opinion alcohol is far worse than smoking.