Saturday, July 28, 2007


Well, its looking like I will be thinking about starting day hospital treatment for my short comings in life. I don't know what your stances are on rehabilitation/adult day care, nor do I give a shit, but I just wanted to let you know that you may not see me for a while....I need some "me" time. I have to regroup or else I'm in biggy trouble.

Well, at least not ranting and raving as you'd like to normally see spew forth outta my ignorant ass. I put someone else in charge of finding good stories on Illegal Immigrants for now!

but I do know I lurve ya.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you are all still alive. Is everyone in Illinois still?
Monica Hinchey

Anonymous said...

Good Luck "E" !!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Sickboy said...


ALmost everyone that you would have known of is in Illinois still, yes.

How have you been? GREAT to see you!

Sickboy said...

thanks scott....

Scott said...

??? Monica ??? wow hi! I will add you to OMI email list. Of which I have about half the old crew upon.

dad-e~O said...

good luck E,
and monica, lets get together for a cook out, you live about 8 minutes from me,

Anonymous said...

Pete - sounds good. Tiff should have my email address now. We would love to have your fam over here - we make good use of our grill. Email me.