Sunday, September 30, 2007

roll call

---OK, as I have mentioned 394,137,409,303,940 times in the past, who will be around and even aviailable November 4th-9th? Im giving you plenty of warning time now. I was thinking we could all meet up for one night of drinks o fun, even though I dont drink, it still be fun...

Dont worry Ill post again in a couple weeks as a reminder----

Friday, September 28, 2007

eye catcher

A man was eating in a fancy restaurant, and there was a gorgeous woman eating at the next table. He had been checking her out all night, but lacked the nerve to go talk to her. Suddenly she sneezed and her glass eye went flying out of its socket towards the man. With lightning quick reflexes, he caught it in mid-air.

''Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,'' she said as she popped her eye back in the socket. ''Let me buy you dinner to make it up to you.''

They enjoyed a wonderful dinner together and afterwards the woman invited him back to her place for a drink. They went back to her house, and after some time, she took him into her bedroom and began undressing him. The couple had wild, passionate sex many times during the night. The next morning when he awoke, she had already gotten up and brought him breakfast in bed.

The guy was amazed and said ''You know, you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?''

''No, she replied. "You just happened to catch my eye!''

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A quote

A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment.
- Willis Player

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What am I?

I drift forever with the current
Down these long canals they've made
Tame, yet wild, I run elusive
Multitasking to your aid.
Before I came, the world was darker
Colder, sometimes, rougher, true
But though I might make living easy,
I'm good at killing people too.

what am I?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ramble On.....

---Hey Guys. It was a brisk 66 degrees here today so I guess fall is definitely here. Supposed to be sunny and 71 here tomorrow. I think it rings true to the fact that the older you get the faster time flies, I mean I cannot believe its already October for all purposes. Here we are just a few simple months away from the holidays again!

How would you guys rank your summers? Pretty good? Busy? Too hot? Dreadful? Do tell....

The months of fall always put me in a weird mood, I like to ramble about life a lot. I know you guys have been busy with life's doings and haven't had too much time for the blog as of late and I do understand.

I hope I catch ya here more often in the days to come. I miss you guys........----

Monday, September 24, 2007

Believe it or not?

One in six Americans has never been on the internet, compared to five in six people worldwide

Sunday, September 23, 2007

kick ass

Have you dudes seen or used Pandora Internet Radio
this makes Yahoo radio shit
It's free (as far as I can tell)
I am currently listening to a Shellac radio site. I have a primus and Front 242 station as well. and no stupid ass internet phone comercials.
check this shit out.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Computer on the fritz!!!

Hey guys I have been out for the week, my computer is down. 99 percent of my data is backed up and on disk, however that last 1% is proving very trouble sum! Hope to be back with you soon.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


the more observant of you may have noticed I have changed the link on the right side of our blog. where I was sharing pictures of my family, I am now sharing a link to my other blog. It's dedicated to our business, and the address of it will be on all my business related stuff, for now it our shops only presence on the WWW. (so if you decide to post, be nice please!)
I may later re-add the flicker pics link... when I figure out how to add not just edit stuff in that fancy computer language.
Just thought I would share....
this is a very exciting and nerve racking time for us here in AH. cause we are making MAJOR life changes, and throwing everything we know into the air.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Lame lame lame....

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Laura Hathaway initially had no regrets after getting a tattoo on her lower back when she was 21. But now, 10 years later, she wants it gone.

Tattoo removal is more painful than the original tattoo, patient Laura Hathaway says.

The pharmaceutical sales representative from Atlanta, Georgia, says it doesn't fit in with her current lifestyle as the mother of a 2-year-old boy who just started to talk. "The other day I bent over and he said, 'What's that?' and it just confirms why I'm having it removed."

Dr. Scott Karempelis of Atlanta Dermatology Associates is performing a multitreatment laser procedure that will gradually erase Hathaway's tattoo with little or no scarring. The process is painful, expensive and time-consuming.

Karempelis says that in spite of the drawbacks, "business is booming." He and three other dermatologists in his office see more than 30 patients a day who want tattoos removed by laser.

---Hell, my daughter thinks my tattoos are cool because she gets to see animals and fire and cool stars and hearts all over her Daddy's arms, back and tummy. Its pretty hilarious that getting them removed is more painful than getting them done initially. Good, I hope it hurts like fucking hell.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Do any of you actually buy into this shit?

Friday, September 14, 2007

I have a stupid question...

If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
- Scott Adams

Thursday, September 13, 2007

could very well be true.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


---It feels like fall is literally right around the corner here. Its been in the low 70's here all week and I think the highest the temp. over the next week itself is gonna be 82. Whew, survived another summer.

So, anyone have any fall plans? The only plans I have is me being there, in Chicagoland, November 4th-9th, and yes, that set is stone just finalized the arrangements today boys. Just keep that in the back of your mind for now, Im sure Ill bring it up another 10000000 times beforehand. I do expect to see all you guys though, ok?

Fall always puts me in a retrospective mood, it makes me think of the year that is all but passed and it also makes me wonder whats around the corner besides ridiculous debt over Christmas and my kids BDay....oh well, its only paper with numbers on it to me, I have more important things to worry about than being in debt. I could always claim bankruptcy a little while down the road.

Hope you are all well. I miss seeing your words here even though I know you guys get super busy and sometimes you have to put this on the back burner. Ive been pretty busy myself as of late, but Im not gonna lie, out of all the little things in life that make me smile and happy, its coming to this blog everyday that does it for me at times. Im back to seeing my girl again so that isnt a big stressor anymore. I make time to come here and read and post, it just makes my day a little better!!!---

Monday, September 10, 2007

not forgiven not forgotten

Not much else to carry on about, or rant over on the date of 9/11


---OK, you figure this one out.....---

The American people wants a president that appeals to the angels.
--George w. Bush

in his speech during the GOP convention

I still have not set my vote in stone yet, but what do you guys think of Fred Thompson getting into the act?---

Sunday, September 09, 2007


It has been six days since Steve Fossett's plane disappeared somewhere in Nevada. Even though hope is diminishing that the 63-year-old multimillionaire adventurer will be found alive, there are no plans to scale back the search.

says Civil Air Patrol Major Cynthia Ryan. "I think that you can look at a long-term search on this for at least two weeks. A search of this magnitude typically goes on for that long. We don't always have a famous person in the airplane and this much media here."

The Nevada Air National Guard said it is not ruling out any area without checking it thoroughly

---Is it just me or does anyone else just find this whole story as odd? Granted, or so I have heard, this guy is a big time survivalist, but wouldn't they had found his plane wreckage by now?---

Friday, September 07, 2007

Did you know that...

Portugal is the only country in Europe without meteorite craters?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

ha ha

The owner of a drug store walks in to find a guy leaning heavily against a wall. The owner asks the clerk, "What's with that guy over there by the wall?"

The clerk says, "Well, he came in here this morning to get something for his cough. I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxative."

The owner says, "You idiot! You can't treat a cough with laxatives!"

The clerk says, "Oh yeah? Look at him, he's afraid to cough!"

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Plain ole yummers....

Caramel Swirl Plush Puffs dipped in chocolate. Really, there is no comparison when it comes to the meeting of ecstasy and subtle indulgence -- and this marshmallow will bring you there. A sack of 16 Caramel Swirl marshmallows sells for $5.99.
(Courtesy of Plush Puffs Gourmet Marshmallows)

----Shit, I could live off these little darlings,mmmmmm----

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Plastic in the Microwave

Have any of you received this Email labeled “Dioxin Dangers - Microwaving and Freezing? Kind of scary, it was sent to me via a nurse. Adding insult to injury, recently I had a disagreement over this topic with my wife along with a few coworkers as I am skeptical of its validity. So this Email last night was the final straw. Feeling pummeled in to a corner I did what I should have done long ago and went to my good friend Google. There armed with only the title of this email in hand I went on my search, and to my surprise I was able to find ample writing on the subject (FDA ,USDA,Plastics In fact most of the writing I found called the contents of this email an urban myth! So now the question is do I finally feel vindicated? Well mostly… turns out that nobody really has a strait answer on this subject. So in short it may be best said that it is prudent to first check and make sure the container you are sticking into the microwave is rated for that type of use no matter the material it is made of. Other wise your wife will continue to look at you smugly with that look that says you are nothing more than a stupid man, no wait scratch that there is no hope of that ever happening. Any how hope you found this info useful.

Darling not with out you, Artie Shaw

quote time

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

Mark Twain

Monday, September 03, 2007

who took my pants????

WAUKESHA, Wisconsin (AP) -- It was embarrassing enough that Mark Stahnke woke up in a neighbor's yard without his pants. Then he remembered they contained a cashier's check for $41,093, meant for his son, and several hundred dollars in cash.

But he got it all back Friday, including the pants, thanks to a man and his dog.

Stahnke said he doesn't know what happened between when he left the bar and when he woke up the next morning, and police were skeptical when he filed a report on Monday.

"We're used to hearing weird stories, but with his intoxication we figured this one would be different, that the amount of money wouldn't be exact," Police Lt. William Graham said. "How do you get so intoxicated that you lose your pants?"

Stahnke said he had met his son at a bar and doesn't remember much afterward.

"I woke up cold not knowing where the heck I was, and I didn't realize it at first because I still had my shoes and socks on," he said. "When I got up, I realized, my God, I don't have any pants."

Tim Curzan's dog, Joe, found the pants at an intersection, according to a police report. He found the cashier's check and tried twice, unsuccessfully, to deliver it and the cash to where he thought the owner lived.

On Wednesday, the pants were still at the intersection, so Curzan took them to the police, who contacted Stahnke to claim his belongings.

---I tell ya what, the next time I see a shoe or an article of clothing curb side, or in the street for that matter, its really gonna make me think twice about checking them out and yet this still furthers my point of when I say alcohol is far more worse than almost all other street drugs. First of all, you wouldnt find a heroin addict with 41 grand in his pocket, ever, and I dont think a junkie would be caught with his pants down in his neighbors front lawn. Alcohol makes you do and say stupid shit, street drugs dont. Heroin makes you pretty mellow ans kinda euphoric and coke just makes you all zippy. And forget weed, we all know how "stoners" are.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

'S'Up fools

Miss me?
Apparently the Library in Asland is closed, like long term. They need to get some budgeting stuff sorted out. And there was no WWW access at the School I was at.
Two whole weeks with no internet, it was kinda wierd.
I can only imagine how many work E-mails I'll have when I get around to checking it. :)

Lots of bike geeking, a fair amount of drinking, some friend making, and some pretty scenery, I'll post pictures when I get them developed (I didn't bring the digital camera).

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Sky Light

In C’s bathroom there is a skylight. Through it you can se the sky and a portion of a large oak tree which sits next to our house. On the first day in our new home, C discovered the window from his bath, and squealed Air plane air plane!!! Since then he is always looking for the air plane when in that room. For the most part we spend that time talking about the green leaves on the tree, the blue sky, and the white clouds. This morning however he squealed something I could not identify while pointing up at the sky light. While re-explaining the green leafs, blue sky, ect I turned my head up and was alarmed to see two beady eyes looking at us!!! It was a squirrel. I then made the mistake of yelling “look it’s a squirrel” and with that C and I were immediately joined in our small bathroom by two large and very excited dogs. It was a lot of excitement to be had in a very small part of our home at a very early 6 am this morning, just thought I would share with the rest of you.