Tuesday, November 27, 2007

me scared

---Ive been deeply addicted to terrible street drugs, but this, of all things makes me very nervous.

I have to have surgery this Fri AM on my hurnea. Being put under freaks me out. The surgery should take less than like 30 mins. and Ill be home by like 1 PM.

I get terribly nervous when I think of myself being put under to do the procedure. I know, I know, Ive heard it a million times, they start your IV with a small amount of something that makes you not give a shit about anything youre so stoned and then once you are in check with the anesthesiologist, he sets you up and tells you to count from 100 down and by time you get to 98, youre gone!

Any of you guys ever had surgery? What was it like?

Im nervous as fuck.---


Scott said...

I had hurnea surgery a few years back, it was positively a piece of cake! In fact my memories of it are quite warm and fuzzy. All those cute nurses fussing over you before you go under, then you wake up and there are more cute nurses all the while you are most pleasantly still doped up! It was great... until I had to lift something heavy a week later (and a week to early) ouch!

Sickboy said...

thanks man, this makes me feel a little better. Im looking forward to being hammered on pain killers for a few days afterwards too....this time Ill have an excuse!

And cute nurses sound just lovely, just perfect to me.


Scott said...

I only took one pain killer, it made me very nauseous. So I stopped taking them and then realized there really was no pain.

Sickboy said...

Hell, if some damn dr. is gonna write me a script for a weeks worth of pain killers, you had better believe Im gonna use those little bastards, but thats just how I am.

sp9000 said...

So, does your doctor know about your struggle with addiction?

Sickboy said...

Nah, this surgeon doesnt know anything about that part of my life. Im betting they will be giving me a script for a weeks worth of something weak like Vicodin or something.

Sickboy said...

the going under part is what freaks me out A LOT. What was that like for you?

Yeah, and I know I need to be careful with the pills, my mom will be administering them accordingly.

sp9000 said...

Going under was very pleasant. Kind of hard to describe. I remember that I asked one of the nurses if I would recall conversing with her before I went under, she said "very little", and that is all I remember. There was no event like Every thing going black or Fading away / Fuzzing out. My memory simply ended that moment on that conversation. I awoke after quite a long and intense dream, feeling very warm and fuzzy.

Sickboy said...

yeah, and ive also been told that it feels like you were only under for mere seconds and then its all done. Its like your mind cannot track time while being under.

Sickboy said...

but gosh, through all this medical talk...can you imagine the kind of money an anesthesiologist makes for a living.

My mom was once close friends with one and he charged by the hour. needless to say, on an eight hour surgery his raking in the green.

I just asked her and she remembered, he did charge hourly, 500 every hour she thinks!!

WOW!!! big friggin money!!!

Mark M said...

I've been put under twice -- first for my wisdom teeth, and the second time for a procedure that is too unpleasant to mention here. The first time it just felt like I was waking up from a deep sleep, and my mouth was stuffed with gauze. But the second time I was put under, they gave me some different drugs, and I woke up feeling goooooood.

Sickboy said...

hey Mark, good to see you! How have you been?

They didnt put me under for my wisdom teeth, they just gave me a boatload of laughing gas and novacaine shots.

Tomorrow will be my first time ever being put under.

Sickboy said...

And yes Scotto, you were right, the procedure was a snap. Going under was friggin weird, one minute you were there and the next, gone! I woke up what felt like 5 mins. later and everything was done!

Recovery has been so so. I was in a pretty good amount of pain for the 1st few days, but thanks to a lot of sleep and pain killers, I pulled through just fine. Now its just a lil extra rest and the occasional pain killer and Ill pull right through. The incision feels tripped out though, and going pee the 1st few days after was kinda difficult but besides that, all is well, thanks for the advice and planning.

Scott said...

Wow, E I didn't have any peeing problems your tear must have been in a slightly differnt location. But I am glad to hear the sedation portion went well. What I did not tell you is that during my wisdom teeth extraction I actually woke up and remembered saying ow!... and then went out again and woke up not caring.