Sunday, November 04, 2007

my Step Dad

Well, for those that care, my step dad has been in the hospital again since Friday afternoon. It has been determined that he has developed a new form of dementia called "Sundowners Dementia". Im not sure what that is as of yet. His fever was almost 104 yesterday but its down to 98 today which is great news. I also dont know when they will release him.

All in all, things here have been very tense. They also want to enlist him in some kind of physical therapy, for what I dont know either. I didnt go to see him today, I will be going tomorrow.

This man means a hell of a lot to me. He was there for me through all of my bullshit years and then some. He put up with me through the drugs, the stealing and all the lies. Next to my Grandfather, this man has BEEN my father figure for my life. He has been a part of my life since I was 13. If something bad happens to him, Im not sure what my Mom and I will do.

---UPDATE....Monday AM.....I just returned from the hospital and now my dad is in a total catatonic state. He sleeps and sleeps and sleeps...he doesnt know his own name and all he can do is mumble some phrases that no one understands. Things DONT look good at all. No foods no liquids, nothing, he just sleeps and mumbles. I dont know what to do.---

1 comment:

dad-e~O said...

sorry to hear about Den, man it's tough when a loved one is sick.
you in our thoughts