Monday, November 12, 2007

My Thanks.

---I wanted to take the time and send a special thank you out to PJB and Mike Martin for making it to my Dad's wake. I also understand Scott made a valiant effort at trying to make it there and I wanna say thank you to him also.

Thanks brothers.

More later......---

---OK, now that I am more settled back in I have some more time. This weekend was very, very difficult for me, but sometimes, it can be that way. Again, thanks to the brothers who made it there and to those who tried. The rest of the time was reassuring about how I truly am the black sheep in the family, all the way down to the ink to the kind of music I enjoy, it felt kinda good, non conformity rules. I love my family that still gives 2 shits about my Mother and I, but the rest of them can go fly.......

I didnt get to do much or see much else because we were too busy making funeral arrangements, so that kinda blew.

All I will leave you with is that tomorrow is not promised to any of us and I know we all get busy with daily bullshit (even though none of your lives are bullshit) but we should ALL really try to stay in touch more if even by here at the blog.

I love you all because you are all my brothers---

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