Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It looks like.

---Obama vs. McCain! Its on! What do you think?---


dad-e~O said...

couldn't be happier...

Sickboy said...

I still say McCain is the stronger candidate and he will come out on top come November after one hell of a try by Obama and his crew.

This is pretty wild though, a black man getting the nod for the Head Office, I just hope he doesnt take that slimy Clinton bitch as his VP ticket.

Yeah, this is a trip. Whites no longer in charge. Who knows what will happen? Obama is an exciting man to watch his speeches are really great, but I though McCains last night was just perfect.

Im still in the McCain camp.

Sickboy said...

Id rather argue this with you guys instead of the ex, her and I could get heated up for hours on this bullshit.

Shes one of those blind, do nothing wrong Dems., the worst kind there is!

Mark M said...

I think the voters picked the best candidate from each party's field. Eric: Not that I endorse the tone of your comment about Clinton, but you illustrate why she didn't win, and why I never thought she'd get the nomination even when all the pundits were saying it was "inevitable" -- her negatives are too high.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, thanks for seeing that Mark. She has been terribly whiny through out her campaign.

If Obama picks her as his VP meal ticket, hes a fool.

dad-e~O said...

It'd be cool if he picked Edwards. IMHO

Sickboy said...

Edwards would be a good pick.