Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Fashion

Well this is is it, the sling is were my daughter prefers to take most of her day time naps, most of which require me to walk lots. The other day my wife complained when I returned the baby to her covered with bagel crumbs... What can I say it's not always easy these days to find time to eat as of late. Forget about hot food this is of course what I signed up for. A acquaintance of ours has triplets, and every time I talk to her I feel like such a wimp!


Sickboy said...

I had a very similar contraption when Ava was that age, it worked out pretty well, but yeah, LOTS of walking about, I would be doing laps around my house. Eating was unheard of for me too during the day way back then.

Great pic. Glad to see your still hanging in there!

dad-e~O said...

hot look, I bet you have have to beat the women away when you take the kids to the park.
all kidding aside, Max was like that too. constant human touch. and he was only happy with mom. so I ducked a pretty big bullet.

steve butt said...

yes i too remember the time i had to wear my son. i'm not sure if i'm happier now that he is self mobile.