Friday, July 04, 2008

blah de blah

---Its 3:08 PM on the 4th and Ill assume most, if not all of you have started your "holiday activities". Hah, suckers. God, how I HATE family gatherings. Last night we were gonna go watch some fireworks being blown off at the State Capitol, but I ended up having too much to drink and since my Mom has night driving blindness, it just didnt happen. I think I passed out around 845, hahaha, Im a loser. I dont remember!!!

Tonight, there isnt really any shows to go see, most townships had their shows last night, dumb asses. Tonight we eat shish ka bobs hot off the grill! Its a little warm here about 82, 83, not a cloud in sight. My ex and the kid will be home Sunday, which will be cool.

The pic is a snap shot of the boys in Social D. minus drummer Charlie Quintana. Dont they clean up well? They were playing an annual event for the Orange County Homeless Association, something they do every year. Even old hard ass Mike has a heart. They play like a 20 min acoustic set that is rumored around certain SD boards on the web to be utterly amazing.

I gots a new cell phone today. Pretty nice, pay as you go, my credit is to shitty to get anything else. 80 bucks, came with 300 free minutes, way nice color screen and all that jazz. I have yet to activate it though, Im in no hurry.

Well, somebody must have some news to report on, whats up out there?---


dad-e~O said...

I saw Dennis DeYoung play the music of the Styx last night.
Well, "heard" actually, the field was much to big to actually see what was happening on stage.

Sickboy said...

Im disappointed in you PJB.


dad-e~O said...

it was fun. and close to the house.
Tuesday is our 14 wed anniverssary.
Tif got us tickets to Dropkick Murphys. that will be a good time.

Scott said...

I was unable to figure out till I read your post just who those old farts are in the photo you posted. I guess my image of SD is a 20 year old one.

My wife and I went to bed at 9:30 all weekend, as we always do as of late... I guess we to are old farts.

Sickboy said...

Dropkicks are pretty darn good PJB. Congrats on the big day.

Im the same way Scott. Ever since I wrecked my body with all the different pills Ive taken, I can barely stay up past 10 on any given night.

Yeah, Social D. felt that had to be cleaned up to play that benefit show out of respect to its creator, which is fine by me, they really did clean up well.