Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Happy 14th Anniversary to Tif and Me

So, a little back ground.
Tif and I like to celebrate our Anniversary, we try to do something big-ish, fancy dinner, overnight in hotel, that sort of thing. Well this year I no longer have the hook up in the Hospitalty Biz that I used to enjoy, so we were going to tame it down a bit.
I bought a Tandem bike for us, and Tif was racking her brains trying to figure out what to get. I found out later that she heard me comment on a radio comercial for a Dropkick Murphys, and Mighty Mighty Bosstones show sounded like a kickass time. So she decided to Surprise me.

I was a little nervous for her, she hasn't been to many Punk Rock shows, and I wanted her to enjoy herself.
So the night of the show, we leave right from the shop, caught good traffic getting down to Northerly Island, the outdoor venue was real cool. there were a bunch of Skinheads, and a few little kids, as well as a smattering of older folks there. we grabbed a couple of beers and plopped down in some chairs to wait for the fun.

Opening band, some 5 piece girl Punk band that was a bit rough, Civet.

Then the Mighty Mighty Bosstones came on and the place started rockin' we spent half the set hanging on the edge of the crowd, then decided to get a little closer to stage, so we hung out near the edge of the pit. Very cool show, I'm not terribly familiar with their body of work, but I will be buying some in the near future, it was fun, and enjoyable.

then the main event. The DropKick Murphys. these dudes rocked. we spent the majority of their act right in the middle of the crowd, behind the pit. The blending of traditional and modern Irish and Punk is a whole lot of fun. They made a comment about how they used to open for the MMB, back in the day. they paid tribute to the recent CPD officer down, and invited a the ladies up on stage with them. again, I am not super familiar with much of their stuff, but I will be picking up more as time progresses.
My worry about Tiff enjoying herself was unnessecary, she really seemed to have a good time,

Oh and last night we went and had a fancy dinner at a place call Davis Street Fishmarket, that was very nice as well.

Its hard to believe that 14 years has gone by so quickly, and so much has happened.
We like to joke that we want to collect on all those bet's of "I bet It'll never last" that surely many folks made, when hearing that a 19 and 20 yr old kid were getting married,
I'm going to go back to bed now.


Sickboy said...

Sounds like it was a great time. Yeah, the skins will come out of the wood work for a show like that. DKM are alright.

Glad you 2 had fun.

Scott said...

It is not often your get to read a post with the majority of its contents being used to describe a punk rock show and yet then some how still calling the post touching and hart warming.

Kudos to the both of ya!

dad-e~O said...

thanks fellas

steve butt said...

congrats you two. sounds like you had a good time.

dad-e~O said...

I love canadin drugs!!

Sickboy said...

Canadin drugs are the bestest ones out there! Man, fuck staying straight and sober, Im gonna click on that link and get some mad hook ups.

Yall be peelin me off the floor for months to come.

That good ole Bernard, hes my bitch!