Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The man and the Cats

---I just stumbled across a short video of Ness and the original Stray Cats jamming I fought the Law (and the Law won)off of You Tube! Needless to say, even though the quality sucks its still pretty damn awesome to think about catching a show like that someday, somewhere, somehow. Setzer's AMAZING guitar playing mixed with Ness's style and RAW ATTITUDE which makes both of them unique on their own.

It hasnt been a bad past few days here. Well, OK, im lying, its been a shitastic past few days here. It all started last Sat. AM with me coming oh so close to busting some guys wind shield with his own face....from there, it got worse. I wasnt "allowed" to see the kid, I fell into a depression and everything that goes with it. I made up with the ex yesterday and tonight the attack pattern was called off and I got to see the kid again.

From one moron guy to another....NEVER lose your TEMPER when your kid is present, even IF IT IS justified!

Now, if I ever run into her neighbor again and they arent around, Im seriously gonna have to fuck him up.---


steve butt said...

the drive for vengence constipates one's spirituality.

Scott said...

Hey Steve is that your own Quote? I like it as it reminds me of a memorable Collage professor who was constantly scolding many of my fellow classmates for design work that was as he called it "constipated". This same professor would also employ the use of a farting noise which he made with his mouth when he made these sort of comments.

Eric your story reminds me of some advice my dad once gave to me. He said that I should never get into a fight with some one unless I was prepared to finish the job and serve the consequences for it. He gave a chilling example of an individual whom he said he “laid flat on the concrete with a bloody face”. Only to be later knocked out by this same individual via a 2x4 to the back of the head as my dad walked away. My dad said he felt this guy was just a wimp and not even worth his time in a fight.

Oh and wait my memory is on a roll today. Hey what about that time I got jumped by those three skin heads while wearing your bomber jacket! Where were you? As I recall you were standing right next to me just before they showed up, and then all of the sudden I was all alone (with exception of Colleen, or maybe it was D who was getting ready to take on the three birds the goons brought with them). Any how you can see where I am going. Oh brother, good times, good times.

Sickboy said...

WOW, thats friggin WILD Scott, my mind went to those 2 examples too. I remembered the Dad one and Ill never forget those skins.

you can all rest well...Im over it, wouldnt touch the guy now.

Sickboy said...

Yeah boys, I dont think Ill run into him again anyways and if I do Im just gonna ignore him unless he starts callin me a bunch of nasty names which is something I seriously doubt he'd do, so there will be no altercation.

But then, theres always the big question? When does a man become a man and stand up for himself?