Sunday, August 31, 2008

fact or fiction?

---So this is gonna sound weird, or downright stupid, but Ive talked to several people as of late that said at the peak of The Vietnam War when a young man had got caught doing something illegal by the law and was set for trial, they were given 2 options.

The judge would either slap a somewhat hard sentence on them w/ no chance for parole. Either that, or the young man was offered Vietnam for war. Training courtesy of the Army.

Have any of you ever heard of this? Is it bullshit, or does it hold some truth?---

Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, I made it to 35 yesterday. The day itself was alright, my Mom took me out to breakfast, then to dinner later that evening. I got a new pinkie ring and yet another Dickies shirt. The day went off with a bang, but upstairs in the noggin, for the 1st time, I actually felt older, like I had aged another year!

Ive always dug on my Birthday cuz it means Fall isnt too far off, no more silly sweating and doing laundry 475 times a week, I can actually get away with wearing a t-shirt or whatever more than once!

I have to learn how to RELAX and bad. I have to learn how to get rid of some of the negativity in my head fast for it is really, I mean really effecting my ex's outlook on me and thus I get the kid kept away from me too.

Breathe in, breathe out. 1.....2.....and so on.....

Any brothers out there got any advice or tips for me?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Funny at my kids expence

I think Monty is the only one who did not see the hummer in this one.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summer 08

Well summer 08 is almost up and I now have the 3 gigs of photos to prove it. It was not easy getting much of any thing done this summer with the new baby. However carrying a camera and taking photos was something I could do so I took a lot of pictures. Here are my favorites I hope you enjoy them.
We spent a lot of time with family this summer, so as you will see there are lots of photos with children. Those few images that don’t have people in them (always my favorites) are also linked into Google
maps, check them out.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

just a check up on my boys.

---If Ive learned one damn thing in life its this....

Dont bother trying to pour your guts out to someone who is too "busy" to care. And, an ex is an ex for a reason.

Hows tricks? Things here are, well, they were kinda shitty, but I managed to get them back to being as normal as possible.

The kid friggin LOVES school, thinks its the best thing ever, yeah, wait til you hit Geometry kiddo.

Weather here has been ultra pleasant, highs only in the mid 80s and last night it got down to 56. Awesome sleepin weather.

Im glad that I cannot legally purchase a firearm. It makes my enemies a lot safer. What? Im just sayin......

How is suburbanite Chicago treating you guys? Hows the shop PJB? You had last mentioned that you were gettin into the "tail end" of the season. Scott, I know its VERY hard for you to post with the new wee one, but how are YOU holding up. Its always about the baby, never about the parents well being. I know Scott you are a GREAT Father, so ya hangin in there?

One last thing before I go....Joe Biden? Hahahahahaha.....WTF?

Pat me on the back boys, Ive been "clean" for a while now!!!"---

Friday, August 22, 2008

Her first BIG Day!

---She loves School and all that goes with it. Thank God, she doesnt take after me in that sense, hah.---

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Raging 101

---Well, my Mom and I are pretty darn close to having all the one year anniversaries concerning the passing on of Dennis behind us. Weve got, well, my Mom has their wedding anniversary to yet get through and then we have his birthday.

The Birthday will be tough, very tough. My Mom just got back from Chicago and said his head stone looks really darn good.

I havent fully even come close to dealing with his passing yet, it just all comes out as anger. Over the past month, I have had 2 incidents where my visitation rights with the kid have been revoked for days on end because of anger. Ive even made open, violent, threats to people in public places where half of the damn City could hear me. Ive gotten better with it now though, Ive learned to just walk away, unless the kid is being hurt, scared or is in danger. I never knew I had such a blind rage within me. My ex hates it and I cant blame her. I become fearless, as if nothing could stop me. Ive explained to it to my daughter and she kinda understands it all a little bit.

My therapist and I have just really started to work on this, its all so new. I can tell her anything, shes great. And I know in her position, she isnt there to judge me.

I know deep down that Im never gonna get my ex back, I just havta deal, but Im still very protective of her. And the kid, well, of course Im watching out for her all the time.

Im not an out right violent person, but shit, these blind rages I have had are just too much and my therapist feels a lot of it could have to do with Den's death and losing such a staple in my life. Id love to have him back, I think about him everyday, sometimes I cry, sometimes I dont. I just miss his hugs, his smile and his totally wacky sense of humor. God, was he ever funny.---

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Summer Winds...

---Well boys, its getting pretty darn close to that time of year again when the summer winds will usher in the autumn winds. It will start to get a lot cooler at night. We will see more cloudy days and if its anything like last year was here, we will have snow on the ground by November.

My big question to you is this...did you get everything accomplished this summer that you wanted to do? I know I didnt. PJB, Im sure your summer goals were shop and ride related, so howd it go? And Scott, youve got another wee tiny one to carry around the house and that can throw all your plans up in the air in a matter of seconds!

Fall is my favorite season. The trees are really beautiful around here come mid-October and I also enjoy it when the kid sits and watches me while I carve out a pumpkin or two. I love the chilly nights, when it drops down into the low 40s, or upper 30s. To me THAT is perfect, all bundled up, with the covers all around you sleeping weather. The grass cutting drops down from once a week to once every two weeks until first frost, then that isnt an issue again til next Spring.

Fall. Gotta love it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happens all too fast.

---Well, tonight my small "graduates" from preschool. There is a ceremony and everything. She starts kinder garden next week. Im sure like many times before, there will be a few tears shed on my part.

This is all happening too fast I tell ya. My kid is amazing and I know there have been times in the way past where I was a craptastic father, but thats all in the past now and I do my best today to nurture her growth and be an over protective SOB. I just cant believe this is all happening all too quickly.

I cant wait to hear her tell me what she learned in school for a day, it will be like relearning it again. Seeing through your little one's eyes is awesome. Damnit, just yesterday she was still being bottle fed and now here we are at the gates of the beginning of something special that will help to shape her in so many ways.

Im not gonna sit here and bitch about the Iowa Public School system, its one of the best in the nation, Im just not positive Im 100% ready for this.

Dang, getting all grown up.---

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why me? Why almost always me?

---Went to the fair last night w/ the ex and the kid. All was well, I ate like a small pig and such. Nothing deep fried this year though.

So the kid wants to go on some of the rides, ok, thats cool, right? So we head for the Midway and I start out by winning her 2 pretty good sized stuffed animals. Then she wanted to go on these water bumper boats thing. OK, no problem.

So like 30 seconds into the ride, her boat malfunctions and she gets a little scared. I go over and try to get someones attention to wade out there and help her. I get the attention of this broad and ask her to go bring my kid into the stairs. She looks at me dead in the face and says "It aint my damn job." So, I go in through the exit and started talkin to the kid, lettin her know its ok. Then some black punk comes over to me and says I cant do that and he grabs me by the arm and literally tries to push me out of the exit zone. Thats when I got a little, shall we say frisky?

I planted my steel toe Doc right on top of his converse wearing ass and he jumped about 10 feet in the air. So the kid is still stranded out there, really aggravated and crying super loud. Now as a father I cant stand to see my little one cry out of fear.
Then here comes the fucking pigs. I explained the situation and they were kinda cool with it.

But the bottom line? As soon as the kid was out, we were escorted off the fair grounds. Needless to say, the ex and I arent speaking to one another right now.

I just couldnt stand there and watch my little drop of love cry and act so helpless. She makes the sadest face when shes freaked out and crying. I couldnt take it.---

Friday, August 08, 2008

Flying Solo

I dropped Tif & the Lads off @ Ohare today, they went to Utah to visit BroDanny.
So I am Bacholaring it for a few days, wich of course means Work, Beer, Sleep, Ride, Walk dog.
Which is essentially what I would do if they were here, just lonlier....
A strange thing, when She isn't home I don't like sleeping in our bed, for whatever reason it seems to big, so I couch it.
And I won't cook for myself. So PB& Honey for breakfast, Cereal for lunch, and a sandwich from somewhere for dinner... I won't actually heat anything, to much work.
Other updates from AH.
our puppy Barley is starting to calm down a bit (Just a bit)
our old dog Henry has decided she has earned the privilage to pee in the house if we don't let her out every few hours
The Shop is going well, starting to slow down a bit with the tail end of "Season"

Sorry about thhe Poli-post the other day, I kinda just thought it was a funny video and wanted to share it with my friends, more then thinking about the Political implications of the post and this forum. So I'll make it up to you, this video kills me everytime I watch it.

later tater...

have a good weekend.....

---To all the still new Dads and all the still new bike shop owners, I hope you have a splendid weekend. Summer is starting to run outta time, kids will be back in school in a couple weeks and before you know it, you will really havta bundle your new little one up nice and tight.

I will be turning 35 on the 28th, and it is honestly kinda messin with my mind a little bit more so than any other of my b-days of recent years. I dont know if its because of my little one starting kinder garden in a couple of weeks, or because of some of the STUPID ASS mistakes Ive made in the past, but turning 35 means something to me!

I will personally be very happy when summer winds down. Im sick of sweating my arse off and my Mom and I cant afford to run the AC at will. Ill also enjoy it cuz I will be able to pull some kick butt clothes outta the closet again.

Den's first b-day without him being here with us will be Sept. 15th and I can already tell that its really affecting my Mom. Im not jumpin for joy over the fact either, but alls Ive been told is once you make it through the 1st year of things, it gets a lot easier from there. We shall see.

No special plans here this weekend, my allergies are kickin my arse. Tomorrow is kid day at the ex's shop and I will spend all of Sunday with my Mom since she leaves Monday for Chicago. I am HYPED to have the place all to myself for a week!!!!

Talk soon brothers. Love and miss you ALL!---

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Anything deep fried and on a stick.

---So, our state fair begins this Thursday, Im really not all to excited. I was gonna go with my Mom on Friday night to see McCain, but I changed my mind, too many old people will be there. The weather looks to be outstanding for the fair itself, mid 80s, which is great considering it could be 100 this time of year like it was last week.

Ill end up going with the ex and the kid Im sure. Once there I will have to check out what the new deep fried stuff is this year, but I think its all been done...candy bars, Twinkies and so on. I also have to have Iowa sweet corn and a pork chop on a stick!

My Mom leaves next Monday morning for her trip to Chicago, which couldnt come at a better time for me. Im not playing well with others right now.---