Friday, August 08, 2008

have a good weekend.....

---To all the still new Dads and all the still new bike shop owners, I hope you have a splendid weekend. Summer is starting to run outta time, kids will be back in school in a couple weeks and before you know it, you will really havta bundle your new little one up nice and tight.

I will be turning 35 on the 28th, and it is honestly kinda messin with my mind a little bit more so than any other of my b-days of recent years. I dont know if its because of my little one starting kinder garden in a couple of weeks, or because of some of the STUPID ASS mistakes Ive made in the past, but turning 35 means something to me!

I will personally be very happy when summer winds down. Im sick of sweating my arse off and my Mom and I cant afford to run the AC at will. Ill also enjoy it cuz I will be able to pull some kick butt clothes outta the closet again.

Den's first b-day without him being here with us will be Sept. 15th and I can already tell that its really affecting my Mom. Im not jumpin for joy over the fact either, but alls Ive been told is once you make it through the 1st year of things, it gets a lot easier from there. We shall see.

No special plans here this weekend, my allergies are kickin my arse. Tomorrow is kid day at the ex's shop and I will spend all of Sunday with my Mom since she leaves Monday for Chicago. I am HYPED to have the place all to myself for a week!!!!

Talk soon brothers. Love and miss you ALL!---

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