Friday, January 30, 2009

Born to lose

---So yeah right, you guys know I went ahead and kicked the terrible drug habit Ive managed to toss around in my life, back and forth for the past what felt like 20 years, right? OK, I think I have that licked, now Im totally addicted to those huge ass cans of cold coffee/energy drinks! Right now Im trying one made by Java Monster named Mean Bean. It tastes awesome, but will give ya quite the coffee buzz in the end. I used to just drink the Starbuck's ones, but Ive "branched out" now.

Not to mention these damn things are like 3.00 a pop! But for a 15 oz. coffee/power drink that aint that bad I guess.

They are so yummers, I cant stop drinking them!

P.S. Hey Pirate, get your ass out here on this blog and play with us!!!!---


sp9000 said...

Those drinks scare me.

Sickboy said...

Ive done a lot worse in my day to be chickened off my some coffee, ginseng and ginko biloba.

They will give ya a buzz.

My other advise? DO NOT mix them w/ margaritas, heh. My heart didnt really like that.

Its like all these kids doing these "Jager bombs", Jager and Red Bull mixed? Ive heard that has killed before not to mention Red Bull tastes like ass.

dad-e~O said...

The only non alcholhic canned bevey I drink is redbull. (and their cola, yummers)
I like my coffee strong, and black (like my men).