Friday, March 31, 2006

Calling PJ, Come In PJ...

So, is your (outgoing) email not working for real? Why dont you get a hotmail account?

Isnt it funny how we get so dependant on technology yet as soon as something goes wrong with it, we feel helpless. Ive been there quite a few times myself. Computers, cel phones and so on...they seem to have us all by the balls.

Ring of Fire. J. Cash.
Thought for the day :

" All work and no play makes jack. And lots of it. "

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I think the expression is "Let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes"
Ok boyos. the fact that my wife is sitting next to me is not the only reason I write this.

What about an auxalry to OffMen, OffDames(name pending). wifes (or female significant others) and chicloyalists to OffMen in general(Jen B., Kris R., Amy N., Deanna M., Andi C.)
We were a group of boys who love(d) our friends. and waren't e'scared to say so. But we all moved on from our common NW Chi-town burb roots. and part of the reason most of us moved on is cause we gots ourselves hitched. our loyalty is just as strong to our spouces now as it was to our friends then.
So our companions and friends are fairly likely to have more then one or two somthings in common.

technology, friend or foe?

Any of you boyo's check out the counter statistics.
If I read it right it says we have had 25 new visitors on tuesday and 35 on wed. that's kinda neeto. (who are these people) it's based on the cookies in your pc.

If you click the link below the number on the right it leads to all kinds of silly info.

and speaking of amazing / creepy technology, here is a picture of the house my family and I live in, taken from space. ours is the second house from the top with the long driveway and the white mini-van (no longer part of the family). we also received a calender from a local real estate agent, with a picture of our house at the top. very strange.
And while I'm at it , did any one see the article in the Chicago RedEye about "myspace" people have been getting in trouble for the shit they post on their "myspace" pages. no fuckin' shit. If you were to go to mine you would not find anything that I rote that I wouldn't want my mom, boss or employee's to see.

oh yea, Scott, Micheal- lets get the directions on how to post pictures with our comments. thats fun.

on an unrelated note, Scott, I just finished the confederacy of dunces. a thouroughly enjoyable book, someone lent it to me at work, and I just noticed it was on your list of favorites. good stuff.

the dexterity of luck, june of 44- launchcast
Thought for the day :

" Public speaking takes a two minute idea, and a two hour vocabulary. "

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Out of Focus Offmen at the Beach

It just had to be added. Obviously, whoever we handed the camera too was as drunk as we were.

We're #1

It's true. Type in offmen international into Google, and we're the first listing. Better yet type in quotes and after about 4 listings from the blog you will see a listing titled... drum roll please...

Woman Jerking Off Men

I kid you not. Haven't clicked through on that one, but I'm glad that we are so closely associated with porn. It's only fitting. That's how I spent most of my youth!
Click this to see.

Pete brings up a great point.

I think we need a chatroom too. We could all register with Yahoo and use one of theirs, the problem would be finding it. Scott, I/we need ideas here. I am pretty sure if we all create IDs w/ Yahoo we could all set times to meet and start a conference room, that would be easy.

THANKS to PJ for the great idea though.

Ball and Chain. Janis fucking Joplin.

PJB up in here!!!

Here is an old picture of Pete I managed to snag from a dear friend. Look at the hair and the young looks! Hah, to be that age again, huh PJ?

Do I spy Mark M in our found list!!!

An unexpected Offmen returns to the fold. It has been along time, welcome back! Now I think I will have to see if there are any embarrassing photos of you in the old archive. Can any one help out on this one, I think mark needs a proper home coming.

Just kidding, its great to have you aboard.

The State I'm in, Belle & Sebastian

Thought for the day :

" Faith will not die while seed catalogs are printed. "

Try and figure this one out. Im pretty clueless, any ideas?

Heartbreak Hotel. The King.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Myself at the Offmen Dance Party.

Here I am surrounded by a gaggle of girls. I really had it way back when, why did this change? Where did I go wrong?

Updated Header

Whoever did the redesign on the header is AWESOME! I love it.

That's what I'm talking about.

listening to my wife play monkeycliffdiving which is hysterical!

Paging Bob....

Ok, the Ski man got his invite so hopefully he will be showing up here soon. Im so excited! This blog has turned out to really be something!

carry on.

Marijuana. Rev. Horton Heat.

Finding the Offmen

So, I know where a few of these guys are. I'll see if I can figure out how to invite them to the blog.

Is the Tom J. at the bottom of the list supposed to be Tom Rap? I just called him on the phone due to this inspiration. I need to get everyone's email addresses and stuff.

As the first, and to my lacking knowledge, last Grand Poobah, I propose that we find these folks. And once we do, there can be a conspiracy to plan a reunion, replete with 80's music and possibly large hair. Maybe even some superfluous belts and safety pins.
Thought for the day :

" No facts are sacred, none are profane. "

Monday, March 27, 2006

Michael tries to update the crew

Just scanned the archives. Wholly fuck, you've all been busy posting. I know where some of the missing offmen are. How do we exchange real emails on this thing? It's so weird, I'm really freaking technical, but this site just isn't "intuitive" or user friendly.

So, I know I've only been putting up tiny posts. I've just been super short on time. That's still the case now, but I gotta write something.

I'm married. I have no kids. Don't think we'll be having any. Have my own business making videos for non profit organizations. I also freelance as a director, producer, production coordinator, and a cameraman. I work digusting numbers of hours. I have one full time employee and a part timer. I usually have an intern. I'm always working on stuff. I'm currently producing a documentary, developing projects with an educational film distributor, developing a TV show (that's more a longshot now), and others. I shoot everything from corporate interviews to steeplechase racing on video. I keep real busy. My website is which is a several months out of date.

Melissa and I own a 123 year old victorian twin in the Germantown/Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. It's a 5 bedroom (two of which are for the business) and is in good shape, but still needs a ton of work. We've had it almost three years and are just starting on the cosmetics.

There's of course much more to tell, and I'll try to tell it soon.

Found the post about songs. I'm not listening to a damn thing. Tragic as that is.

Look who came over for a drinkie-poo

So the other day my spouse called our long lost friend Bob Lonski. one thing led to another and he was invited over for a pizza and beer event. We spent a few hours sharing stories and reminising about old times. I won't speak out of turn by telling his tales here, but he was invited to attend this site to check things out. I can assure you he is very busy with a house full of littleones. His son's are overall a well behaved, good looking group of boy's and like all of us he does keep himself busy. hopefully he will soon make his way here.
see attached pic.

Edit: here you go boys bob's e-mail: my own e-mail doesn't work properly for outgoing e-mail (I can't even guess why) so go to it. he just sent me some ubsurd adult content spam (a song about dildo's ) without a warning to keep the kids away so I am posting his e-mail. if he can spend time on line he can spend a few minutes here.

work for love, ministry

OFFMEN International

I am not very good at this blogging thing so far. Not a very easy interface. Though I'm no native speaker of HTML. I swear, I'm trying to participate.
Thought for the day :

" He cannot rule the great who cannot rule the small. "

I guess something like this would apply to starting within your own home or something, huh?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thought for the day:

"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move."

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Thought for the day :

" Every anarchist is a baffled dictator. "

This is kinda a punk rock thought in itself. Ah yes, the days of anarchy when we were all wee young lads.

So I managed to get my hands on a pack of clove cigarettes. Good Lord, I dont remember them being this strong. Either they changed what was in them, or the old lungs cant handle it, Im not sure which one it is. Smelling one of those sure brought back a lot of memories though.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Strapping Young Lad AKA Offmen Pooba!

Slowly but surely I am going to dig out these images. Mike the pager is perfect! Circa 1992-3

The Sensual World, Kate Bush
Thought for the day :"

No one is so happy or sad as he imagines. "


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thought for the day :

" All who would win joy must share it, happiness was born a twin. "

Sounds fair enough. But then, you havta worry about things like other people getting jealous because your life rules and theirs sucks ass. Maybe it is better to keep your joys to yourself.

On another note, a very dear friend of mine is coming for a visit tomorrow for the weekend so I am pretty excited myself. You see, I just made happpiness a twin, just like it says, and I feel even better knowing my weekend will be extra special while yours is mundane and boring.

There it is....happiness really does make one stuck up and snotty.

Bad Penny. Big Black, from the Album Songs About Fucking. Ask for it by name!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We could do worse

We could do worse then to turn our children into free thinking, chalenge everything punks.
Here is a picture of Max, after he and Tif were practicing for crazy hair day.

fixed, I guess i'm a dufas.

jingle of a dog's collar, butthole surfers
Thought for the day :

" The picture of health requires a happy frame of mind. "

So, think healthy and you shall be healthy? Hmmm....interesting, Ill have to try this.

vacuum cleaner in the background.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Thought for the day :

" An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it. "

Monday, March 20, 2006

3 Years to the Day...

So here we are 3 years gone into Iraq.

What do you think? Better? Worse? Same off? Have our soldiers died in vain or is there an honest cause to their demise?

I wanna know how you feel. Do tell.

come fly with me. Frank Sinatra.

The Thought and Then Some...

Thought for the day :

" Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear through. "

Speaking of ugly, it is as if winter is going to let loose with one more show before Spring finally sets in here. I guess we are due for one more snowfall and it is just weird to me how as soon as Spring officially hits that winter decides that he has not yet said enough. The reason I bring this up is because it always seems this way...every season. Winter never seems to bow out peacefully.

On a not so lighter note: The medication I am on has caused me to gain a terrible amount of uncontrollabe weight and it has caused me to become even more deperessed than usual. I now weigh around 200 pounds and there is nothing to be done about it except to have my Dr. switch meds. on me. It all makes me sad considering only 2 pairs out of my 6 pairs of jeans now fit me. I just wish I could turn my mental issues on and off like a switch. It would make dealing with all this better and better. I think a lot of days that just delaing with a physical affliction would be so much easier. At then people would be able to see it and just know something is wrong. When your mentally ill, it is silent and unseen and no one understands. It sucks most days. Thankfully, I have friends and loved ones who understand and care enough to accept me for what I am. Without them, I would be a mess and you know who you are!!!


Dean Martin. I Love Vegas.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Thought for the day :

" By following the good, you learn to be good. "

Common sense is today's lesson.

nothing yet as of now..

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Thought for the day :

" Even a hawk is an eagle among crows. "

In a gada da vida. Iron Butterfly.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Two things about Ireland, one all of the street signs are in Gaelic first then English second. Makes for some hair raising moments when doing 70 clicks on the wrong side of the road.

Up Against the Bauchalawns, The Chieftains
Thought for the day :

" He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. "

Ok, first off this is pretty much a fragmented sentence. Secondly, I have NO idea how it is a thought. I guess this thought says that a lawyer cant, or shouldnt take 2 sides....well no shit.....whatever, this thought for today is just confusing...

computer fan, dell.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Kicking The Habit.....

So, Ive been a damn smoker since the age of 14 and I really think it may now be time to give it up. It makes my wallet thinner, my lungs darker and it really isnt attractive in the long run.

Why do I still do it? Im a total slave to the stick. I worship it: plan my day around it from the moment I get up until I crash out each night.

I need advice from the former smokers here: how did you do it? Was it hard? Do you still crave? What did you do to help you quit? I dont want to be one of these quitters that goes around killing everyone they meet while they are detoxing. I wanna be able to do this and have it be healthy for everyone, all around.

Any ideas?

In The Ghetto, Elvis Presley.

Dilema Update.

Well, the authorites were contacted and the girl has been suspended and she is being drug tested. She was high on weed and she even admitted it to a former employee there that she "was busted" and her gig was up.

Ava has not yet been taken out of the daycare as of yet, it all depends on what becomes of the girl who was high. If we have to, we obviously will be removing her from the daycare. It is just all so hard, having to let Ava readjust to an new daycare right when shes getting into pre school and all. But as I am sure you know, her safety is no. 1.

Just thought you might like the update.

Fucking loser stoners......

Mack The Knife, Brian Setzer
Thought for the day :

" He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another`s mishap. "

So this is to say that it is ok to lie in wait for someone else to screw up so you can point and laugh and gains smarts from it. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So, this morning my ex goes to drop the daughter off at daycare. Come to find out and discover first hand that one of the workers there that takes care of the kids is fucking high as a kite.

Needless to say, the proper authorities were contacted.

I dont give a flying fruit bat if you wanna do that crap in your house on your own damn time, but not when the safety of children is involved.

No damn way.

So my question is this: what would you have done?

Ble Cafe, Hot Rod Lincoln.
Thought for the day :

" He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose. "

What the hell does this mean? Im not a seal, so I dont balance anything on my nose. I wish I knew the original place where the site I use is getting these "thoughts" from.....that site has to be pretty interesting....


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm here

Hey guys. You found me, and now I found all of you. I think you can email me through this. No idea. Good to hear from you all. How do we change me from missing to found on the side?

So much to tell you, but I have to get up in four hours to go to a shoot in Connecticut. Oy vey. I'll try to catch you up in a few days.

In the meantime, here's a recent goofy picture of my lovely wife, Melissa Wayne, and myself. Scary, ain't it?

Card carrying member

Just another relic pulled from the official Offmen archive. My personal club card…and man is it beat-up! It has been a few years since this item hallowed the folds of my wallet, and honestly I am not sure why it was removed. Any how more interestingly is the documentation on the back. Again if my memory serves me the sloppy scribble is my very own, and it refers to a dialog I had with Eric about a guy who is running from something. The purple stamp “Keep music evil”, I’ve not a clue, but I like it.

Gost Wiring, Neko Case

Thought for the day :

" He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals. "

You know what they say, there is no love like self love.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Thought for the day :

" He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet. "

So that is to say that if you dont first learn, your imagination is limited? If you had wings but no feeet you could still fucking fly anyways, so there! Why would you need feet but to land? Sure, without feet your landings would be rough, but you could still make it happen.

Ok, Im getting way off the topic now, Ill shut up.

Megadeth, Peace Sells But Whos Buying (Live).

Sunday, March 12, 2006


So I personally think that this blog has done what it was supposed to: bring brothers back together. We have managed to get one of our brothers back into the mix full swing and we have, at the least, managed to locate several others via the moster known as Google.

I am really happy with what this blog has done. Are you?

wiggle stick, Rev. Horton Heat.

Before and After

The bushes in our front yard didn’t do so well this winter several of them collapsed after some of the snow we received. Also last year one of our neighbors suggested to us that those same bushes were to big and out of proportion with our building. As much as I didn’t want to, because I had some ideas of how much work this sort of thing entailed I did have to agree. So Saturday the weather was warm, the ground still soft, we decided to hook them up our car and pull them out hillbilly style. I gave a lot of thought to pulling them with the car, however in retrospect I should have given more though to how I was going to get rid of twelve big stumps, and their adjoining branches… It was a long day and I am still sore today. So I now have to admit how much of my life really has been shaped by TV. Before becoming a homeowner I lived in the fairytale land of Bob Vila, and all was so good dreaming of that one day home ownership, but now I know none of that do-it-yourself shit is as easy as it looks on TV. Nonetheless, pulling those stumps out with our car did draw a small crowd of our neighbors, and it was nice to see them all and tell them how much we look forward to seeing them pull their own over-grown shrubberies out this year.

I. Mars the Bringer of War, Holst: The planets

Thought for the day :

" He who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. "

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Google Mike S. and you get results!!!!!

I recentley set out on a search for missing Offmen and I found Mikey S. He is the proud owner of a film production company in Philly. The site was very professional and it was very good to know Mike was out there doing well.

nothing right now.

An Offmen New Years Snapshot From Many Years Past...

First of all many thanks go to Lil Bondo for the image itself. Secondly, L to R we have Frank "Mongo", John "T" M., Rick R. and Mark K.

I dont think Mark was ever an Offmen but we will forgive him in this picture. I remember this night: it consisted of New Year's Eve activities at Kevin S's. home and then on to what looks like something that is NOT an actual Denny's! Lets look at the coffee cups and water glasses...those arent Denny's coffee cups and I dont think Denny's used those water glasses either. Where were we? Im thinking maybe a Wags diner.

As you can see by this picture it was taken late at night and all captured in it look pretty tired. I know none of us were drinking that night, those in this photo were just plain beat!

That was another cool thing about being an Offmen...sure, we had plenty of times where things like alcohol were invloved, but not everytime. We could still get together as a group and still have a seriously great time without booze always fucking it up. Im not trying to sound like a goodie-goodie, Im just saying, we had such a good times in most cases, we didnt need help.

Mike Ness, Ball and Chain (Honky Tonk)
Thought for the day :

" The orator speaks, with his flood of words and his drop of reason. "

Um yeah, whatever. I guess we are back on the fortune cookie road with this one.

Summertime, Janis Joplin.

Friday, March 10, 2006

As soon as your born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
then they expect you to pick a career,
when you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
and you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
but first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
if you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
if you want to be a hero well just follow me.

Just something to think about on your Friday afternoon....

working class hero, J. Lennon
Thought for the day :

" I`ve given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off myself. "

So in other words, the person who wrote this thought is a self centered bastard with no regard for anything else.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

I like global warming

the bunny loving tree huggers may be getting all worked up about global warming but I for one am OK with being able to take a bike ride in March with out freezing my un-mentionables off.
not to mention how many fossil fule we aren't buring cause we have to have the heat on just to keep the pipes from bursting in the walls.
OK so mabye I don't like raising the water levels and increased hurricane activity. but I'm sure you folks get my point.
this by the way is a picture of my newly repainted 1986 Scwinn WorldSport. I'm very proad of being a vintage bike grump.

king of the hill, minutemen-launchcast
Thought for the day :

" If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it. "

Ok, Im not gonna touch this one. Too many thoughts....bad ones at that. But anyways, that was always the cool part about being an Offmen. We always made time for fun. We always took time out of the chaos of work or school to have a good time and we always did. I bet now that we are all a lot older the fun happens less and less...


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Thought for the day :

" Quit work and play for once. "

Pay our bills and maybe we all will.....ass.

hum of computer fan, dell inc.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Since everyone else is posting kiddie pics I shall do the and my daughter, Ava Sophia...

Ive got my "mugshot" look on as you can see. However, Ava is all glee!

reach for the sky, Social D.

Holy Crap I'm gettin old

Well Happy Birthday to you (not so little) Maxwell Nicholas (my youngest son). Today you turn 8. Further proof that the expression "It's amazing boys ever live to be men" You have had stiches, staples and glue in your head, a broken arm, and an tonselectamy. You are kind sweet and loving. Even at 8 you love to hug and snuggle (with Mom). You like to read but would rather play nintendo then eat. Your personal maintence and table mannors leave a bit to be desired. And you'd rather go hungry then eat something you don't like. You have an uncanny abilty to vomit when we least expect it.You are willfull and stubborn, and cute as hell. You are loved.
Happy Birthday.

pen cap chew, nirvana
B.S. fortune cookie thought for the day :

" If you continually give you will continually have. "

I am wondering, how would this pertain to something like herpes? Hmmm....any ideas?

Carlos Nakai, Spiral Passage.

Colin loves to rock out to The Misfits

I am of course referring to his hairstyle seen above.
He also loves cookie monster…

Spillage, The Minutemen

Monday, March 06, 2006

Could this be Fun

OK here's a game we can play.
Each time we post a blog. sign it with the song and band that's playing in the room your in at the moment. Since the system signs it for you anyway we don't actually need to put our names on anything. Instead put in itallics at the bottom of you post your tune.
like this.

I need you like I need a whole in my head, Pearl Baily

I'll try it for a while and see if it's to much of a pain.

Music that might suck for you!

In response to Pete and Eric’s post’s, I feel like I have been on a hedonistic musical binge for these few years. With the discovery of personalized web radio A.K.A., I have some how rediscovered how to find music I like and even at times feel like a pimply faced teenager once again.

As late I have been just smitten for music by Kristin Hersh. In particular her album Sunny Border Blue has been on my play list for a few weeks. Another band DJ Shadow’s album The Private Press seems to make for some of the best sitting behind the keyboard time spent. And then on an entirely different vain Gustave Holst’s lesser-known composition for two piano’s The Planets keeps me believing that I may someday have an actual classical music play-list.

Thought for the day :

" If you make a mistake, immediately fix it to the best of your ability. "

Jesus H. Christ. No fucking shit.

I was thinking and Pete was talking about music and he mentioned the music of today and it just sucks. I mean, what the hell happened? I know, you can dig for obscure artists and what have you but some of us dont have the time or energy to do that and I also feel that good music should find you, not the other way. I am sick and tired of being spoon fed crap but the likes of some kind of half wit MTV generation. Speaking of, when did MTV go to hell? I know its been a while, but when did it get as bad as it is now? I had it on the other day for about 15 mins. and I had to do everything to keep from vomiting.

Rock is dead.

Favorite NEW band

Alright boys. whats in your cd player right now,
anything new?
anything you think doesn't suck?
Here's our chance to share, obviosly we share some tastes in music so a recomendation might be appreacieted.
and this is for "NEW" music. ie. depech mode is on tour right now so they probably released an album. but they have been around forever and their syle is stale. the best thing to happen to DM is Johnny Cash's cover.(IMO) so they don't count for this discussion.
I'll start:
The White Stripes, their album "get behind me satan" is really f'in good. A freind of mine said it best when she said "I feel bad for any band that isn't making albums this good" although my wife would disagree. She thinks Jack White's voice is really annoying. White Stripes is on my list of "workshop" bands. (Shit i don't listen to in the house to attempt to insure domestic harmony)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Thought for the day :

" If you wish to succeed, consult three old people. "

These things belong in fortune cookies, I swear. Can you get any more vague?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

After receiving Scott's :( face, I decided to bring the thought of the day back again....


Thought for the day :

" Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. "

Im always early. Always. I LOATHE tardiness and as long as im not early to my own funeral, Im ok with everything.

Over and out....

Happy now Mr. Scott? =)

Thought of the Day Cancelled.

Due to the thought of the day being too lame, I have decided to cancel it.

That is all.

Friday, March 03, 2006

It's been a long week

So it's been a long week and I think that it'd be nice to just vent at the fucks of the world that I deal with on a day to day basis. since the chances of any of my employees seeing this are fairly slim and If they do they can be first cut that day.
Why do people suck?
Why do people walk into a restuarant with a cell phone attached to their fat faces and motion to get sat?
Why do people think they can walk into a place and ask for a table of 7 during a peak buisness time without a reservation? and when you tell them there is now room get pissy. " I eat here all the time" ...then you should have known how fucking small and how godamn busy we are you self rightous little schmuck.
If you walk into a place after service stops but before it's empty do yourself a favor. Don't mock the policy it ain't gonna indear your cause with the inforcers of the policy. "what kind of place closes at 10?" this kind dick face, get lost. "I thought this was chicago" It is.. you drunk prick.. but you are in the financial district, not party town. get in a cab. Talk to your hotel concierge about where is good to party untill the wee hours. not me.
And guess what servers, although I do want you to make as much mony as possible, I don't want you to tell me about it. I don't make as much money as you do on a good shift so shut up. I don't tell you what I make. And while we're talking about it. Part of my daily goals is to keep from getting bitched at by the masses. So when I ask you to do something can you just fuckin do it. If I give you something to read, study it. it's your new goddam bible. Why do you think I need to focus my entire life on you. I refuse to cut the floor and be your back waiter so you can make some extra cash. I will not do your job for you. I have a job thanks.

For those of you not in the F&B buisness check out "stained apron .com" it's painful some of the shit that people do and say to service staff. Managers included.. we can be shitty group. I certainly try not to be.. but we all have our moments. and like Steve Albini (or mabye someone else) said, I am the ugly american. I am so full of anger at times that to not swear at people takes all the energy I have.
Do you call a place for something and when they don't have it ask where does? then ask for the phone number? I have had people call for same day reservations for large parties, and when we are booked get snitty, when I suggest a place close by "No I don't like that place. Any where else" seriosly, no please no thank you, nothing, just self important people who think we are in the service buisness so we should serve.
And here's another little annecdote while I'm at it. My proprty is owned by a small group of investors (one of whom also owns a large local shopping mall) Every sunday we need to hold a table during our peak time 11:30 for one of the owners (not the Mall owner), his wife and their bratty little daughter. any old table won't do. they need the table in the corner that seats 6 people. and they may or may not come in and rarely bother to call. And when they do come in they are a huge pain to wait on. everything must be just so. this water. this mocha. this server. special crayons and scissors for princess brat.
Yes, thats right ladies and gentlemen today at least I hate my godamn good for shit job.
But tomorrow I will probably feel better.

McGreevy’s is now a Walgreen’s

For me this is just another of life’s ever changing curiosities. McGreevy’s a teen dance club that has long since gone out of business. Was for many years a nostalgic place to drive buy when in the neighborhood. Years after McGreevy’s shut it’s doors the building was occupied by a Russian Disco with a huge creepy black and white disco sign on the roof. That business failed as well and the building lay vacant for many more years still retaining its large black and white sign.

I liked the seedy looking old Russian disco sign, for me it gave my nostalgia a darker more edgy relationship with its past. I felt good that not all of my past has been gobbled up and erased by corporate good do’ers. Then about a month ago I passed by and noticed the Walgreen’s. And while the new resident of this property is likely a welcome one in the community, I found my self in a small way disappointed if for no other reason than my own selfish desires for nostalgia.

Thought for the day :

" It is Fortune, not wisdom that rules man`s life. "

I think we can all relate to this one in one way or another. I know I let material things and money get in the way of what I really should have or need at times. Sure, having life's little perks is nice, buying things is nice too, but I think we have all fallen guilty to letting our financial gain get in the way of what really matters at some point or another.

I once heard someone say that the less you have means the less you have to worry about and Im starting to think they may be right.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thought of the Day.

Thought for the day :

" It is far better to be deceived than to be undeceived by those we love. "


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mr. Cash as a Hero.

Managed to rent Walk The Line today so I could have a peek at the deleted scenes. Pretty cool stuff. It is funny how we can look to certain people as heroes in our lives, Johnny Cash being one of them. Some of us look to those who werent exactly hero material in their prime. Not that Johnny Cash had a prime: he always was prime. However, you get what I am saying. I could think of quite a few people as heroes that definitley were not smiled upon.

As Chuck D. once said "Most of my heroes dont appear on no stamps."