Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Holy Crap I'm gettin old

Well Happy Birthday to you (not so little) Maxwell Nicholas (my youngest son). Today you turn 8. Further proof that the expression "It's amazing boys ever live to be men" You have had stiches, staples and glue in your head, a broken arm, and an tonselectamy. You are kind sweet and loving. Even at 8 you love to hug and snuggle (with Mom). You like to read but would rather play nintendo then eat. Your personal maintence and table mannors leave a bit to be desired. And you'd rather go hungry then eat something you don't like. You have an uncanny abilty to vomit when we least expect it.You are willfull and stubborn, and cute as hell. You are loved.
Happy Birthday.

pen cap chew, nirvana


Sickboy said...

Kids always do that: make you feel old(er). I know our kids do it for us, but just kids in general. Now when I say kids, I mean anyone under....say....23ish....

it would be like going to an all ages show for some band we really like and seeing all these kids there.

Talk about feeling old and dated.

naked raygun, home of the brave

Scott said...

Pete, how tall is your 8 year old? He's a lanky looking kid, I perdict many ladys in his future.

Guy said...

Happy birthday ya little stinker. And many, many, many more...