Two things about Ireland, one all of the street signs are in Gaelic first then English second. Makes for some hair raising moments when doing 70 clicks on the wrong side of the road.
Pamela and I went there about 7 years ago. It was breathtaking! Oddly enough having been there I think I now understand my father better as well. The way he lives, where his priorities lie, and just his general sense of hummer, are very much inline with the Irish people. I never expected that sort of cultural inheritance to be so strong, in the 2nd and 3rd generation.
When did you go to Ireland?
Cracker, Low.
Pamela and I went there about 7 years ago. It was breathtaking! Oddly enough having been there I think I now understand my father better as well. The way he lives, where his priorities lie, and just his general sense of hummer, are very much inline with the Irish people. I never expected that sort of cultural inheritance to be so strong, in the 2nd and 3rd generation.
Hopeful/Castaway, The Tear Garden
I spend more time than I should in an Irish pub, does that count? I actaully work there.
kitchen noise
I was always a HUGE fan of The Curragh by Woodfield. Mike M. and I used to get seriously trashed there.
nothing right now.
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