Monday, March 20, 2006

The Thought and Then Some...

Thought for the day :

" Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear through. "

Speaking of ugly, it is as if winter is going to let loose with one more show before Spring finally sets in here. I guess we are due for one more snowfall and it is just weird to me how as soon as Spring officially hits that winter decides that he has not yet said enough. The reason I bring this up is because it always seems this way...every season. Winter never seems to bow out peacefully.

On a not so lighter note: The medication I am on has caused me to gain a terrible amount of uncontrollabe weight and it has caused me to become even more deperessed than usual. I now weigh around 200 pounds and there is nothing to be done about it except to have my Dr. switch meds. on me. It all makes me sad considering only 2 pairs out of my 6 pairs of jeans now fit me. I just wish I could turn my mental issues on and off like a switch. It would make dealing with all this better and better. I think a lot of days that just delaing with a physical affliction would be so much easier. At then people would be able to see it and just know something is wrong. When your mentally ill, it is silent and unseen and no one understands. It sucks most days. Thankfully, I have friends and loved ones who understand and care enough to accept me for what I am. Without them, I would be a mess and you know who you are!!!


Dean Martin. I Love Vegas.


Scott said...

Don’t be so hard on your meds, I do my best to eat reasonably, I run 4 miles 5 days a week, and yet I am still slowly but certainly not getting skinny any more. Call it over the hill, I wonder when my muscles will give up wave a little white flag and I will just embrace being a fat bastard. I guess what I am trying to say is fear not you are not alone.

Looking for water, David Bowie

Sickboy said...

yeah, dont you hate it when you get those few extra pounds that you just cant get rid of regardless what you try?

Eat Steak, Rev. Horton Heat.