Sunday, April 30, 2006
In The News.....
Some big businesses closing for the day
Sunday, April 30, 2006; Posted: 7:46 p.m. EDT (23:46 GMT)
NEW YORK (AP) -- Now that immigrants have grabbed the nation's attention, what next?
Monday has been set aside for immigrants to boycott work, school and shopping to show how much they matter to their communities.
But with some growing tired of street protests, and others afraid they'll be deported or fired for walking out, people are planning to support the effort in myriad ways.
Some will work but buy nothing on Monday. Others will protest at lunch breaks or at rallies after work. There will be church services, candlelight vigils, picnics and human chains.
My question to you is does this really make a difference? I mean, do protests make a difference? The Republican in me says no, but the independant in me says maybe they can work if organized properly. The were big in the Vietnam era. Are they still as big now?
Is tomorrow just as excuse to get out of work?
Part O Poem.....
Retire now to your tents and to your dreams
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth
I want to be ready."
What kind of visual does this paint for you?
If you wanna know the author, just ask.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
My Visit
PJB...your kids are great and so well behaved.
Scott...your home was kick ass and I loved your dogs too.
Overall, it was a decent trip even though I will admit, it ki nda played g ames with my mind a little bit.
I hope to be back over the summer months again.
over and out.
Friday, April 28, 2006
C’s Mysterious Chemistry Set
This morning like most mornings C and I did our usual morning ritual. After a diaper change and bottle while watching the morning mews, C and I adjourn to the kitchen where he allows me to eat my own breakfast and take care of any his dirty bottles, ECT. On our way into the kitchen we close the door to the dining room (to keep out any hungry hounds) and the gate to the basement stairs (to keep C from attempting any dangerous mountaineering activities). I then set him down on our small expanse of linoleum, where he proceeds to play with a small bin of discarded plastic lids.
This morning I changed things up on him and allowed a little extra exploration by means of an open cabinet door. So while I dutifully washed my masters bottles, and packed him a yummy lunch for later when he is busy flirting with his ladies at daycare. He was busy digging around in this cabinet I had left opened for him. When I turn around to do a quick visual check I notice that he seems to have found a dirty piece of Tupperware, and it seems to have milky white liquid contents…which he is carefully pouring into another container as if he is conducting some sort of strange experiment, all the while he is stirring these same contents with his other hand. He coo’s and smiles at me with a rather devilish grin, then continues on with his laboratory work. It then dawns on me that what he is actually doing is playing with a large puddle of his own vomit in our clean Tupperware!!! So as I write today, “C’s chemistry set” other wise known as a cabinet worth of Tupperware is now in the dishwasher being washed.
Quote of the Day (In Eric's absence posted by Scott)
"But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!"
I excluded the source info just as Eric, because I like the mystery of his methods. I’ll email it to you if you really want it.W.Y.H.I.W.Y.G., Front 242
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Happy belated B-Day to Scott.
Mullets F'in rule

This pic was taken on my porch at the corner of Wolf and Piper Lane. during the ocassion of my brothers graduation from great lakes.
We were probably freshmen in high school. so that would make this circa 1989 or so.
pre tatt's, pre introduction to punk, shit this was a long goddamn time ago. back when "My old man sent me to the gas station to get him a pack of smokes" actually worked.
Eric, any idea what my shirt said? i sure don't remember. but with letters that big it must have been profound. oh wow, what else can be said, but oh wow.
How times they do a change...
zebulon, einstrue zende neubaten
Anyone have an older (or stranger) pic of more then one Offmen together? let's see how old this group really is.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'll see your picture of JTM and raise you one Bongi, and yours truly.
A piss poor pic taken at John's 30th b-day party (I think)... ahh the early days of digital photography didn't mix well with alchohol.
h.b., fugazi
The Wednesday Random Photo

I know we just had a long discussion about what sort of sexy images are appropriate for our blog site, and John seen here is likely a little too sexy for any web page. But it is what the hand pulled from the box.
S’Wonderful, Les Brown
Monday, April 24, 2006
Random Photo

Friday, April 21, 2006
Spotlight on Mongo.
I REALLY hope you show up. A lot of the boys will be there. I havent seen some of them in almost 10 YEARS, including YOU.
I miss you and need my Mongo!!!
Stay at Home Dad
If you could, would you? I told P early on in our relationship that if the situation ever presented it self I would do it, now I am seriously considering taking that plunge, and I am finding that it is not as easy to do as I had originally thought. Am I being a chicken shit?
In the news.....
Katrina leaves city with huge strategic challenges in Saturday's poll
Friday, April 21, 2006; Posted: 12:08 p.m. EDT
New Orleans election workers prepare in the Voting Machine Warehouse Thursday.
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- New Orleans residents will take time out Saturday from their struggles to reclaim their lives to vote in one of the oddest mayoral elections in U.S. history -- a contest to pick the person who will oversee the Crescent City's comeback fight.
Incumbent Mayor Ray Nagin, whose performance before, during and after Hurricane Katrina has been endlessly dissected and critiqued, drew 22 challengers in his bid for re-election, which was postponed nearly three months to give election officials in the storm-ravaged city more time to prepare.
Talk about crazy. 22 damn people on the ballot!!!
Last Thought of the Day for a Bit.....
" The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our change. "
Random Photo, Offmen Archive

As expected this random project can and will get ugly at times.
So can any one help out, who is the girl on the left? All I really remember is she was a friend of Patrick’s. I think he took this goofy photo, some time before Eric’s black boomer was stolen, date unknown.
Blackest Eye's, Porcupine Tree (rated on Launch as don't ever play agian!)Thursday, April 20, 2006
In the news...
Shoe bomber denies role in 9/11 attacks
Statement contradicts Moussaoui testimony
By Phil HirschkornCNN
Thursday, April 20, 2006; Posted: 9:36 p.m.
Richard Reid was arrested in December 2001 for trying to detonate explosives aboard a U.S. airliner.
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- Shoe bomber Richard Reid denies a central part of al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui's testimony -- that the pair intended to hijack a passenger jet together and fly it into the White House during the September 11, 2001, attacks.
The denial came as testimony ended in the seven-week trial. Closing arguments are set to begin Monday.
To date, Moussaoui is the only person tried in the United States in connection with the September 11 attacks. The 37-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan descent pleaded guilty to terrorism conspiracy charges a year ago.
A Damn Good Quote.....
Hiatus for the thought of the day....
PS--- See most of you in a couple days. =) This means YOU Frank.....get in touch with me....
" Freedom has a thousand charms to show, that slaves, however content, will never know. "
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
No power plants in Iowa....thankfully
Pripyat, Ukraine, April 19, 2006 — I'm writing this from an old Russian train headed north toward a nation that President Bush has labeled an "outpost of tyranny." A place that journalists, especially Americans, rarely get to go.
On that, more in a minute. But first, let me tell you a little about Chernobyl. We spent the day there Tuesday, and it was an eerie sight. A ghost town, tended by a small community of brave people struggling to keep it safe. Reactor Number 4, which exploded 20 years ago next week, is surrounded by an exclusion zone five times the size of New York City. Not many outsiders choose to venture in.
I don't want to give away too much from the stories you'll see on ABC starting next week. But among the people we met are a few Americans — nuclear engineers doing their best to make sure Chernobyl doesn't jeopardize the world again. Locked inside its crumbling cement sarcophagus, the failed Reactor Number 4 is still full of enough radioactivity for dozens of atom bombs.
Scientists say the sarcophagus, built in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, wasn't built to last this long. There are already so many holes in it that when we held up a Geiger counter, the numbers were off the charts.
Nuclear power scares me. The thought of the bomb is bad enough, but a real thing like nuclear power just freaks me out.
The random by-weekly Image, from the Offmen Archive

Aww the sleepy Frank
Let me know if any of you object to this new concept. Twice a week I am just going to blindly reach into my bin of old photos and pull one out then post it. I promise to cull the nude ones.
The Third Chamber, Loop Guru
" Better to be religious with your eloquence, than eloquent with your religion. "
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The spice of life
we go from oral / ear sex to 911, and conspiracy theories, to music, and drugs, to burial traditions to farm animal behavior. And don't forget the all important Quote of the day, technology, and parenting.
Here we are sitting around the WWW version of the corner booth at denny's .
on bended knee, boys 2 men, launchcast (my skips are all used up)
problem with auto word fill thingee....
is it just me?
" If we were intended to talk more than we hear, we'd have two mouths and only one ear. "
That would be a pretty sight, no? At the least it would make eating and oral sex interesting.....
Yesterday morning we got our first “spam” comment. I opted not to publish this comment which read as, “Are you tired of getting nice compliments on your blog, when really you're not making the kind of money that you deserve? Now you can join a completely FREE program” ect ect. What ever that’s about, it is annoying, but it got me thinking. Since starting this blog I have been moderating the comments. It was just another box to click when setting up the blog space. So now there is more than two of us, would any of the rest of you like to help out with moderation? I certainly don’t want to hog it…although we really don’t get many comments from any one but our selves. Honestly I don’t check it very frequently, so if some non Offmen was to comment they might have to wait a while to see their words. Let me know if you are interested.
Nelton Sentinel, Autechre
Monday, April 17, 2006
How do you guys feel about.....
I can still, at certain times, think and feel what 9-11 was like to me. The questions. The terror. The rage. All of it.
Are these the feelings that Hollywood wants to prey upon, or am I just jumping the gun here?
do tell........
" Thrift is a wonderful virtue - in an ancestor. "
Sunday, April 16, 2006
So today's a holiday huh?
Happy Easter / Passover to all my good friends.
unless of course your atheists, muslims, hindu's, wikin's, or worshipers at the alter of the swordfish(what song and band is this referrnce from). in which case have a great day.
And for any of you in the restaurant buisness, peace be unto you on this crazy day.
And as someone in the restaurant buisness I ask everyone... if you insist on going out, please make an attempt to be civil to your servers. Chances are they hate you and wish you would just go home and fill your stomachs with chocolate, hard boiled egg's and plastic grass.
stolen away on 55th & 3rd (live), dave mathews band.
Which reminds me, anyone do a search on Ian K., the sound man for the DMB is an Ian K. same guy? I wonder.
Hugs and Kisses,
" God never imposes a duty without giving time to do it. "
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Punkin DoNuts
I went for a bit of a spin on my bike the other day and since I needed somewhere to go I decided to Jojimbo's garage, (a renowned bike shop not far from cabrini green) then I had a few things to do at work. On the way home I changed my route a bit and went north on dearborn until I found myself in our old stomping grounds. passing by Belmont and Clark . Sheffield and School. it could have been a blast fromthe past, except it doesn't look the same, much. Huge signs selling the punk lifestyle. wow I wanna be alternative too.
that'll be all for now.
" The desire to work is confined to classified ads. "
Um, your what hurts?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Cemetary walk
I have heard that this has something to do with the Holocaust, does anyone know the story behind the stones? I mean, they were just little rocks that you could find laying on the ground, there was nothing special about them but you could tell they had been placed atop these headstones for a specific reason.
Does anyone know why? I am very curious.....
" Democracy will continue as long as people have faith in the people they are going to elect next. "
Wow, it seems as if the thought of the day has become rather political in some ways here. This is another interesting one....
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Iran says no
Friday, April 14, 2006
Iran to ignore calls to halt atomic work.....
* Tehran will step up efforts to answer questions on N-plans: IAEA* Rice asks UN to consider military action against Iran.
TEHRAN: Iran will ignore renewed international calls to halt uranium enrichment, its president said on Thursday. “Our answer to those who are angry about Iran obtaining the full nuclear cycle is one phrase, we say: Be angry and die of this anger,” Ahmadinejad said late on Wednesday, in comments reported by the official IRNA news agency. “We will not hold talks with anyone about the Iranian nation’s right (to enrichment) and no one has the right to step back, even one iota.” The UN’s nuclear watchdog head said on Thursday Iran had told him it would step up efforts to answer questions on its atomic plans. Mohamed ElBaradei held talks in Tehran 48 hours after Iran said it had enriched uranium for the first time.
I figured this would be how it went.
" Communism will work when love, not greed, inspires it. "
Wow, I would think this one will inspire many replies.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
another thought for the day
edie brickell, "Lost in the Moment" in background
Is Iran Next?
CAIRO, Egypt -- Iran's boast that it has joined "the club of nuclear countries" by enriching uranium may rattle the Western world. But diplomats and experts familiar with the program say Iran still is far from producing any weapons-grade material needed for bombs and may be exaggerating its own progress.
So what do you think? Will they be next on our Police the World Tour?
I dont think they will be. I think we will however remain in Iraq until this administration runs out of time and then the next one will begin a real exit stradegy.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Because of zero gravity, Vinogradov's drive will make golf's long-distance hitters like John Daly look positively feeble. The ball, equipped with a tracking device, is expected to remain in orbit for several years.
The low drive from the space station -- which travels at 17,000 mph, 250 miles above Earth -- is a publicity stunt for Element 21 Golf Co., a Canadian-based golf club manufacturer.
NASA officials met on Tuesday to review the safety of the stunt, which already has been approved by the Russian space agency. NASA is expected to make a decision at a later date.
Ok people, we have fellow Americans on the streets as I type, starving to death and yet the Govt. has enough time and money to fuck around with something like this. It really makes me sick.
Congress today announced that the office of President of the United States of America will be outsourced to India as of May 31, 2006. The move is being made to save the President's $400,000 yearly salary, and also a record $521 billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead the office has incurred during the last 5 years. "We believe this is a wise move financially. The cost savings should be significant," stated Congressman Thomas Reynolds (R-WA). Reynolds, with the aid of the Government Accounting Office, has studied outsourcing of American jobs extensively. "We cannot expect to remain competitive on the world stage with the current level of cash outlay," Reynolds noted. Mr. Bush was informed by email this morning of his termination. Preparations for the job move have been underway for sometime. Gurvinder Singh of Indus Teleservices, Mumbai, India, will be assuming the office of President as of March 22, 2006. Mr. Singh was born in the United States while his Indian parents were vacationing at Niagara Falls, thus making him eligible for the position. He will receive a salary of $320 (USD) a month but with no health coverage or other benefits. It is believed that Mr. Singh will be able to handle his job responsibilities without a support staff. Due to the time difference between the US and India, he will be working primarily at night, when few offices of the US Government will be open. "Working nights will allow me to keep my day job at the American Express call center," stated Mr. Singh in an exclusive interview. "I am excited about this position. I always hoped I would be President someday." A Congressional spokesperson noted that while Mr. Singh may not be fully aware of all the issues involved in the office of President, this should not be a problem because Bush was not familiar with the issues either. Mr. Singh will rely upon a script tree that will enable him to respond effectively to most topics of concern. Using these canned responses, he can address common concerns without having to understand the underlying issues at all. "We know these scripting tools work," stated the spokesperson. "President Bush has used them successfully for years." Mr. Singh may have problems with the Texas drawl, but lately Bush has abandoned the "down home" persona in his effort to appear intelligent and on top of the Katrina situation. Bush will receive health coverage, expenses, and salary until his final day of employment. Following a two week waiting period, he will be eligible for $240 a week unemployment for 13 weeks. Unfortunately he will not be eligible for Medicaid, as his unemployment benefits will exceed the allowed limit. Mr. Bush has been provided the out-placement services of Manpower, Inc. to help him write a resume and prepare for his upcoming job transition. According to Manpower, Mr. Bush may have difficulties in securing a new position due to limited practical work experience. A Greeter position at Wal-Mart was suggested due to Bush's extensive experience shaking hands and phony smile. Another possibility is Bush's re-enlistment in the Texas Air National Guard. His prior records are conspicuously vague but should he choose this option, he would likely be stationed in Waco, TX for a month, before being sent to Iraq, a country he has visited. "I've been there, I know all about Iraq," stated Mr. Bush, who gained invaluable knowledge of the country in a visit to the Baghdad Airport's terminal and gift shop. Sources in Baghdad and Falluja say Mr. Bush would receive a warm reception from local Iraqis. They have asked to be provided with details of his arrival so that they might arrange an appropriate welcome.
*posters note: Just because I think it is funny to rip on the current administration does not mean I am a bleeding heart liberal democrat. Thanks.
" Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt. "
Monday, April 10, 2006
We could do worse, 12 inch remix

Please note the hand gestures. When we asked what he was doing with his paws and what it meant he said "I have no idea" wich of course led to a lenghty conversation about throwing signs you don't understand (fuckin gangs)
join in the chant, nitzer ebb
another thought of the day
-William Reich, The Mass Psychology of Facism
Meta: Fixed some HTML in the template
" A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can see from a mountaintop. "
By the way, welcome Steve B. Its good to see you here!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Americans should not use the term "Cheers", unless they are holding a drink and tapping glass rims with friends and they can't think of anything more clever to say.
nor should they use the word that sounds like the word chow (I refuse to spell it properly).
These are words that should only be used by people with accent's. every time I hear an american use these terms I always asume they are trying to be something they aren't.
I think that the only exception would be if you are truly first generation and you have to transelate for your P's. Then and only then is it OK to say "thanks and see ya" by saying "Cheers" or "Chow"
Don't get me wrong.... It's not that I have no respect for my european heritage.. it's mainly that I feel we as americans have enough cute little ways to say "bye-bye" without swiping other culteral cleverisms. I love Ireland (WHISKEY AND BEER), and god knows I would love to spend a few months traipsing around Italy on my bike looking at art(whatever?), drinking WINE, and eating FOOD. but...
If it was so great would so many people have come to Amerigo Vespuci's mislabled end of the earth to look for something new? mmmmm.
daytime dilema, the ramones
I will leave it to you "OFFMEN" to figure out how tounge in cheek this little rant is.
" Beauty seldom recommends one woman to another. "
So is that to say if one does, then a cat fight will ensue?
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Gus Van Sant's Last Days
The movie was short going in some spots but over all interesting and the cinematography was done really well. Overall, Id give it 2 out of 4 stars or whatever rating system it is youd use.
The movie was very disturbing in the fact that you really felt what a horrible addiction would be like. The humor (what little there was) was very dark and dreary which was very nice.
If you get the chance, rent it.
as odd as it is...Nirvana, all apologies. It just felt right after watching the flick.
" Behind every argument is someone`s ignorance. "
Hell, Ill argue this point any day: Im as ignorant as can be.
the sound of an open spring window.
Friday, April 07, 2006
" Cheap things are of no value, valuable things are not cheap. "
Thursday, April 06, 2006
OMI Reunion
Here's the deal. Get out your calendars. Let's make a plan. I am going to be in Kenosha, WI for a shoot on 10/21/06 and 10/22/06. That's a Saturday and a Sunday. I'm thinking of driving out so that I can haul all the gear and maybe drive up to Northern WI to visit the P's either before or after the shoot.
Here's my proposal: Reunion Weekend either Sat. and Sun. 10/14+15 or Sat. and Sun. 10/28+29. Then I'll have the week between to go to WI and do a couple other things. People who need to travel should hopefully be able to do so for a weekend date. We could take over someone's home, rent a small ballroom in a hotel, take over a restaurant or bar... That's open. The only question is do we have enough time in the next six months to find enough of the Offmen? If we don't think we do, we could hold back until another time. I'll still come out and hook up with whoever around the shoot dates, but we'll save the big party until we find more people.
Please comment. Don't forget to say if there is a date preference. Once we set this in motion I'll really want to stick to it.
Big Comment - Old Post
Anyway, I just added a huge comment to the illegal immigration post from several days back and would hate to see my piss and vinegar go to waste.
Listening to the first open window of spring. I love the sound of traffic sometimes.
" Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark. "
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
" Everyone complains of his memory, no one of his judgment. "
I never complain about mine damnit.
I phoned Frank to inform him of our little blog party

The other night I had a dream that I had found Frank's stolen leather jacket, and was able to confiscate it from the person wearing it. I’m not sure exactly how that worked in my dream, they guy wearing Franks jacket was of smaller stature than I, but the jacket fit him rather well. All I really remember is that I went crazy when I saw the guy wearing it and felt very compelled to risk life and limb to retrieve it.
The dream filled me with motivation and so I got off my lazy ass and phoned him last night. As usual it was great to speak with him. I invited him to join us on our blog site, and he informed me that if he find some time that he will be more than happy to let lose on us. I happily expect no less of him.
As Tommy Fixes Fights, Clue to KaloWords
The black hart, of which is not always so easy for me to understand especially when it involves words. Challenged to I speak or write from the hart, in retrospect of all it usually comes out kind of crappy and inappropriate. Words all sound so much better inside where it’s warm and all knowing. Every one of these words and pictures in my head are not real, but lost in my soul. I would just assume not be a destructive force upon the world around me, but I feel as though no matter what my words have already betrayed me. I just cannot give you the truth with words that fail in interpretation. It is said that secrecy is the beginning of tyranny, and so I live with my tyrannical self in secrecy not out of necessity or desire but pure ineptitude. There is irony in the lack of design relating to all of this, but I guess it is just that I am just having a bad day.
The Talking Leaves, Johnny Cash
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Tippy's Music..........
It just all seems like so much work, having to look and look again for all those files. Granted, its not like I have anything better to do, but still, the looking will seem endless.
FYI, if youre smart, you will ALWAYS back shit up on your p.c. rather often and rather well.
nothing. my music collection first needs rebirth....I dont play any regular CDs....
" Everything bows to success, even grammar. "
Good point. I guess we all measure success differentley. Some call success making it in the professional world while others would call success having 2 or 3 kids. I call success on how many people truly love you in life and how you effect them in their hearts and mind.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Anyone seen Joey?

This is an Offmen I miss. I wish we had a way to find him, anyone have any ideas? I tried the Google thing and had no luck whatsoever.
Nothing...Im still getting over the Mp3 thing.
Sweet Home Chicago
I wanna let everyone in the Chicagoland area know I will be there for the entire week of the 22nd of this month. I expect all of you to make time to hang out with me and maybe then some.
I think a night out at a local pub/bar will be appropriate also.
I will be staying with Jen B. that whole week and she lives in a pretty central location so getting to me will be easy. I have a whole week and and I would hope most/all of you will take the time to see me as much as you can.
PJ, Bob, Scott....this means YOU! I think a "boys night out" during that week is in order, kinda an Offmen mini gathering. ANYONE ELSE is obviously invited also!!!
I am giving you plenty of fair warning now, so make plans to see me often! This is just the kind of thing that doesnt happen every week, so I would hope you will all go out of your way to spend time with me. Part of this trip is business and a large part of the trip is pleasure so I will have plenty of time to hang out too!
The night of the 22nd is the party at Jen's place and the next day (Sunday the 23rd) we are thinking about going to the Shedd Aquarium. Everyone is invited!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
!! Welcome Diana !!
Offmen Dance Party Group Photo

Credit goes to Jen B. for the scan. No words are needed, this is a classic Offmen pic from a classic Offmen night so long ago.
Quiet Sunday Around the Blog.
Today was a quiet day here, nothing special to report except that my MP3 files are still friggin gone so Ive given up hope of figuring out a way to bring them back.
Spring has sprung here and we are seeing a fair share of thunderstorms and such.
Ill be heading to the Chicagoland area in a few weeks and I am very excited. It will be like a vacation for me: I will be getting away from myself and all my bullshit.
The Simpsons on Fox.
" Fortune truly helps those who are of good judgment. "
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Can I Borrow a Gun???
Right now, I could cry. I think I might. What the fuck. You touch one button and they disappear. Im not a p.c. genuis but Im not a p.c. moron either: I know my way around a computer kinda well. But they are gone....the folders are there, intact, but the tunes inside them are gone!!!
I had well over 500 MP3 files, some pretty rare too. ALl my rare Social D. is gone. All my rare Jim Morrsion poetry....gone....the list goes on and on....all gone.....I should cry. Someone please hold me now. Please.
Im gonna cry, then shoot the computer, then contemplate shooting myself.
Im NOT happy.
So yeah, a fucking update....I did a system restore and nothing which is odd. The recycle bin is empty and I did a system search and not a singel file is found. It is as if they were never there to begin with. I think I know what I did but Im just trying to figure out how they got permenantly deleted.
Im so full of anger.
nothing, duh, obviously, my music is fucking gone.
Illegal Immigration?!?!?!
How do you feel?
Maybe I am ignorant, but if someone, anyone, is here illegally, they shouldnt be here, plain and simple, no?
Do tell.
nothing. my music collection is so shitty.
" God gives us relatives; thank God we can chose our friends. "
Thankfully, at least in my case, this is oh so true!
70 posts in the month of March!
As of yesterday I changed my home page from Yahoo news to the official blog of Offmen International. The hell with media I want to know what my brothers are talking about! I just wanted to thank all of you for this small mile-stone.
Baby monitor, Colin is trying to nap
not for the fient of heart, unconventianal rant
whats the fuckin deal deal?
does the creator have a sence of humor? or does evolution seem a little wierd?
I distinctly remember when I was 18 getting my first tatt (on my chest) the needle man making a show of going out of his way to insure that the tape holding on the bandage would go through my paltry patch of chest hair. now a few years later (ok so it's been 14) I have ligitamate hair obstructing the view of the same tatt.
and don't get me started on:
long freaky eyebrows
ear canal, and lobes
nose, bridge and nostrils
feet, for god sakes the toes too.
and if I'm willing to mention those places on such a public forum imagine the stuff a stick in the mud like me is keeping to himself.(those of you with eastern/southern european heritage know what I'm talking about)
What the hell, AND while all this un apraciated growth occurs, low and behold my hairline seems to have had an argument with with my face, cause it's running away.
I can't win for loosin', the joke is on Tif. Cause I will never look better then I did when I was 20. Good thing for me she was gulible enough to consent to marry me then. 12 years this July (who'd of thought then...)
so to bring it all together, men loose hair on the part of their body where that need it to protect them from rain/snow. but gain it in seemingly usless places.... har-de-har man upstairs, really nice....
shhh. everyones asleep