Saturday, April 01, 2006

Illegal Immigration?!?!?!

OK, in the news as of late, everyone is talking about illegal immigration and what should or shouldnt be done about it and why.

How do you feel?

Maybe I am ignorant, but if someone, anyone, is here illegally, they shouldnt be here, plain and simple, no?

Do tell.

nothing. my music collection is so shitty.


Mark M said...

They shouldn't be here, but it's not plain and simple. It's so not simple, I'm not sure I can explain it in standard three-paragraph essay question form.

First, we need to look at the root cause. Large numbers of Mexicans come here illegally because life sucks in Mexico. Why is this? Why has Mexico failed to attract investment needed for economic development? Why has capital been distributed so unequally among the population? Why has the Mexican government failed to clean up its act, and why does it continue to fail to provide basic services? If the multinational corporations that have built factories in Mexico have failed to create wealth there, shouldn't they be required to do more? I mean, we lose jobs, the Mexicans remain dirt poor, and fat cat shareholders reap all the profits so they can buy themselves a bigger yacht -- what's wrong with this picture?

Anyway... As long as that kind of stuff doesn't get fixed, you get desperate Mexicans who will come here lest their families starve. You get guys like U.S. Rep Sensenbrenner (R-WI) who talk about a "Great Wall of Mexico" -- but this would be a really, really bad solution. There needs to be more carrot, and less stick.

Acht Stucke -- Paul Hindemith (I am such a nerd)

Sickboy said...

WOW Mark, very very very well put. You get an A+ from me.

dad-e~O said...

Also to consider:
The mexicans who come to the US are doing us a service. they are doing jobs that a great many americans feel is "beneath" them. and they are doing them well (especailly in my buisness). How often do you see mexican beggars? not very. because there is very little public aid in Mexico they understand that you need to work to feed you family. period.
Many people saw ilegals are a drain on the system. but 90% of employers pay the Social security and appropriate taxes for all employee's, legal or not. And everyone who purchases items in a store pay's sales tax.
As a matter of fact, most of the time illegal immigrants who put money into social security know full well that they won't be getting it back.
Also, the proposed imigration laws do not only effect Mexicans but all imigrants, and people who work with, employ, or are friends with them.
Did you know there is a clause that makes it illegal to not report someone you think is an illegal?
This new legislation is bad. It attacks victims, not problems. I do not have a better solution but this one is just plain un-american.

dad-e~O said...

oh yea, good juob Mark,

Holy Mackeral, Les Claypool-launchcast

Sickboy said...

I really appreciate all of your comments, this has all opened me up to a lot more.

Michael said...

In brief, as a country of immigrants it is disturbing that we are so opposed to more people trying to participate in the "Great Experiment" that is democracy.
I hate to come even close to agreeing with anything from the Shrub's administration, and never will. I don't know much about the guest worker proposal, but on face it sounds almost thoughtful for a jackass president. I'll have to read that and get back to you.
As far as the job's being beneath us - I think that is characteristic of American complacency and an attitude of entitlement. I guess unemployment isn't high enough to make people want to do those jobs. Or, if we had citizens who were just joining the society as we used to (aka: immigrants) maybe the generations that suffer from this entitlement wouldn't have to give the jobs to illegals, but new citizens.
It is a convulted mess.
There is no doubt that the Mexican gov should and could do better.
But to make this into a bigger issue, the entire reason that the U.S. is so subject to terrorism is our entitlement, unwillingness to share, selfishness, corporate greed, cultural hegemony, and general arrogance. If we took the money that would be needed to build the great wall of Mexico and invested it into developing the economy of Mexico there might be more better paying jobs there and less people swimming the Rio Grande. If we listened to the ice cream wizards Ben & Jerry and actually donated 1% for peace there would be a lot less people feeling a need to wear a TNT vest and pay a visit to the local American Embassy. If we actually attempted to be citizens of the world instead of the world police people might actually respect us. I don't break the law and I'm always a little nervous around the cops!
America. I love it, won't leave it, but sure would like it to grow up and play nice with the other children. No one likes a bully. Bullying our own immigrants whom we dub as illegals is just a symptom of this wider issue.
Oh John Kerry, why didn't you just cold cock any one of the Swifties?

Sickboy said...

John Kerry is as big as a moron as the next guy though.