Friday, April 28, 2006

C’s Mysterious Chemistry Set

This morning like most mornings C and I did our usual morning ritual. After a diaper change and bottle while watching the morning mews, C and I adjourn to the kitchen where he allows me to eat my own breakfast and take care of any his dirty bottles, ECT. On our way into the kitchen we close the door to the dining room (to keep out any hungry hounds) and the gate to the basement stairs (to keep C from attempting any dangerous mountaineering activities). I then set him down on our small expanse of linoleum, where he proceeds to play with a small bin of discarded plastic lids.

This morning I changed things up on him and allowed a little extra exploration by means of an open cabinet door. So while I dutifully washed my masters bottles, and packed him a yummy lunch for later when he is busy flirting with his ladies at daycare. He was busy digging around in this cabinet I had left opened for him. When I turn around to do a quick visual check I notice that he seems to have found a dirty piece of Tupperware, and it seems to have milky white liquid contents…which he is carefully pouring into another container as if he is conducting some sort of strange experiment, all the while he is stirring these same contents with his other hand. He coo’s and smiles at me with a rather devilish grin, then continues on with his laboratory work. It then dawns on me that what he is actually doing is playing with a large puddle of his own vomit in our clean Tupperware!!! So as I write today, “C’s chemistry set” other wise known as a cabinet worth of Tupperware is now in the dishwasher being washed.


dad-e~O said...

oh, those boy's sure do keep us on our toes don't they.
Tiff could tell a great story about the year Max got a paint set for X-mas, then made a craptactular mess in the middle of the night on the 26th, and only managed to wake up his slumbering p-units when he was unable to clean up.

Sickboy said...

great story Scott!!! My little A has never really done anything like that (yet)...shes pretty good....

well, ok, I was just told the other night she peed in the shower with her mommy and proclaimed "Im talented!!!"

Scott said...


dad-e~O said...

that's so fuckin' nasty

steve butt said...

as a parent i have found that my tolerance for slime stuff is much much higher.