Sunday, September 23, 2007

kick ass

Have you dudes seen or used Pandora Internet Radio
this makes Yahoo radio shit
It's free (as far as I can tell)
I am currently listening to a Shellac radio site. I have a primus and Front 242 station as well. and no stupid ass internet phone comercials.
check this shit out.


Sickboy said...

I will have to look into this and see what kind of shit it throws at me after putting social d. in as my fave. band.

Sickboy said...

yeah, I think Im with ya far as being free, so far so good, will havta look into this more later, you have perked my interest...

dad-e~O said...

I am in love with this Pandora shit.

sp9000 said...

Whaaaaaa, I cant get it to work on my old Windows 2000 machine :(

Sickboy said...

it is pretty neat, even though it says it cant find shit to add on to after social d.

Sickboy said...

OK, I finally got this shit figured out and it is indeed kick ass. Mad props to PJB for discovering this whole new world of internet radio entertainment!!!!!

Scott said...

Well, I finally got this to work on my old machine using IE (could not get it to work with Fire Fox). I asked my wife if she had heard of this site, and she said that she showed it to me 2 years ago... My memory sucks. Any how she was ho hum about it, explaining that after creating a station based on an artist, that same artist would never be played again.

On the up side they did just get a great review in this months Wired Magazine.

None of this really makes any difference any how. My listening habits are abizmal lately as I have no time at my computer any more. and to top things off it looks like I will be buying a new set of hard drives for my machine.

dad-e~O said...

I will be putting a stereo in the shop, and have a AUX hook up from my PC so I can play cool comercial free music, either from my I tunes, or Pandora.