Monday, September 10, 2007

not forgiven not forgotten

Not much else to carry on about, or rant over on the date of 9/11


dad-e~O said...

where were you when you first heard?
I was working as a Conference Services Manager at a hotel. We had a FAA group in, who departed early.... we organized a shuttle to the local blood bank. and we sat around and watched the news. what a crazy f'in week that was.
It was weird trying to explain why we were glued to the TV and crying to the boys, they were pretty young.

Sickboy said...

I was a painter at the time, so I was all alone working on some touch up work on a home that was about to sell. My boss had court that morning so I didn't expect to see him until later that day if at all.

I was watching the news and I went in to kiss my ex goodbye for work and I told her that some dumbass pilot really fucked up his flight plan and ended up hitting one of the two towers,

Then in the car I hear about plane #2, I knew right then we were at war......I freaked, I thought shit, this is it WWIII.

I became almost obsessed with the whole 9/11 ordeal. Watching the news 24/7 when I could. I even have 4 CDs with pictures burned on them so when Ava gets old enough she can see it from us, her parents and not out of some damn "history" book.

I remember coming home to an empty apartment. I was all freaked out. My ex called not more then 5 mins. after I walked in, as soon as we both heard one another's voices, we started crying.

That night was spent sittin on the couch, watching the news and just feeling numb.

I also remember I wanted revenge and lots of it at the time.

Sickboy said...

Yeah PJB, how did you explain that to your little guys at that time? I am quite thankful that we didn't have Ava yet. It was mind boggling enough for us as adults let alone children to understand the madness that was unfolding before our eyes.

I didnt get to see actual film footage of the events of that day until I got home from work later on and thats when it really hit me hard...watching the 2 towers go down was just...well...I still don't have any words to describe it. I can remember seeing news reporters crying and then the next day the President crying, that freaked the shit outta me. Presidents aren't supposed to cry damnit! Mind you, at the time, I was totally behind Bush I thought he was doing a pretty good job and seeing him cry was just freakin weird and surreal.

9/11...something we will never forget. Its just one of those unfortunate events where you will always remember where you were when it all went down and how you felt. I still pretty much take it to heart, I dont think its cool to make jokes or bullshit conspiracy theories about it. A lot, a hell of a lot of innocent Americans died that day for no damn reason whatever so ever.