Monday, September 03, 2007

who took my pants????

WAUKESHA, Wisconsin (AP) -- It was embarrassing enough that Mark Stahnke woke up in a neighbor's yard without his pants. Then he remembered they contained a cashier's check for $41,093, meant for his son, and several hundred dollars in cash.

But he got it all back Friday, including the pants, thanks to a man and his dog.

Stahnke said he doesn't know what happened between when he left the bar and when he woke up the next morning, and police were skeptical when he filed a report on Monday.

"We're used to hearing weird stories, but with his intoxication we figured this one would be different, that the amount of money wouldn't be exact," Police Lt. William Graham said. "How do you get so intoxicated that you lose your pants?"

Stahnke said he had met his son at a bar and doesn't remember much afterward.

"I woke up cold not knowing where the heck I was, and I didn't realize it at first because I still had my shoes and socks on," he said. "When I got up, I realized, my God, I don't have any pants."

Tim Curzan's dog, Joe, found the pants at an intersection, according to a police report. He found the cashier's check and tried twice, unsuccessfully, to deliver it and the cash to where he thought the owner lived.

On Wednesday, the pants were still at the intersection, so Curzan took them to the police, who contacted Stahnke to claim his belongings.

---I tell ya what, the next time I see a shoe or an article of clothing curb side, or in the street for that matter, its really gonna make me think twice about checking them out and yet this still furthers my point of when I say alcohol is far more worse than almost all other street drugs. First of all, you wouldnt find a heroin addict with 41 grand in his pocket, ever, and I dont think a junkie would be caught with his pants down in his neighbors front lawn. Alcohol makes you do and say stupid shit, street drugs dont. Heroin makes you pretty mellow ans kinda euphoric and coke just makes you all zippy. And forget weed, we all know how "stoners" are.


Scott said...

I agree Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in America. That being said I think our war on drugs is as useless as prohibition, and likely just as pernicious. Please don't confuse me as pro-drug, they are all dangerous. I just question the policies not the drunks who lose their pants full of money.

Sickboy said...

im w/ 110% with ya bro!

dad-e~O said...

I love booze ;)

sp9000 said...

Dido, Pete!

Martin said...

Most people can use alcohol in moderate amounts and some studies even show a small amount of alcohol is good for you. Can the same thing be said for crack, meth, or PCP?
I'm taking weed out of the equation, I'm not putting it on the same level as the aforementioned drugs.
There are different levels of danger, addictive qualities, and so forth for different types of drugs, but saying that booze is more dangerous than other drugs is an oversimplification.

Sickboy said...

im not even gonna get semi involved in whats bad or good, destructive or not..all it will do is piss me off and Ill spew out a bunch of things that IMO is right because I lived it.

sp9000 said...

I'll agree stating that "Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in America" is an over oversimplification. However until I see concrete statistics showing alcohol related fatalities, vs Drug related fatalities; my perseption will remain that alcohol buy volume has the numbers. All I have is what I see and read in the paper on this issue, and I see a lot more drunk driving and other alcohol fueled altercations (including homicide) than I do of people harming others while on something else... maybe the guy who kills him self by doing to much crack just does not make it to the front page? To me the question is are you a risk to others or a risk to your self?

For the most part I have a strong opinion on this issue, but that is about as far as it goes. I would never claim to know how these issues really affect the lives of others who are involved with them. I am open to be swayed one way or another, probably more so after I have had a few... hehehe.

Sickboy said...

the bottom fucking line is both alcohol AND drugs ruin lives when misused.

I have seen street drugs do far worse than alcohol though.

dad-e~O said...

moderation is the key to many things. even masturbation can be harmful if done to much. blindness, hair, stains.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, the stains are what kill me.