Monday, November 05, 2007

Dennis B. Enders

---I rarely addressed Den as my "Step" Dad, because he was more than that rotten piece of filth my real dad ever was. It was discovered that sometime last night, he had a stroke and a massive brain bleed. He cant eat, open his eyes, or even tell you he loves you anymore, he cant speak. I went to the hospital today to say goodbye. It could be days or maybe a week, but all in all, my Dad has died.

Im saddened beyond expressible words. All the male counter parts that has given two shits about me and my life are now gone.

His wake/funeral will be held in the Chicago area. I will update you all as to when I will be in town, Imgonna need some getaway time.

thanks guys---

---Small UPDATE guys. It was confirmed he had a stroke and a blood clot was thrown to his brain. He is still "here" so to speak, but all he does is sleep, his body knows nothing else now. Per my moms request (she has power of attorney) he has been removed from his oxygen and they stopped giving him his meds. yesterday, so it all up to time now. As soon as I know final plans I will let you guys know.---


Scott said...

We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers during your difficult time.

dad-e~O said...

I feel for you man.