Wednesday, November 14, 2007

no drivers licenses, yay!!!!

NEW YORK (CNN) -- New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will withdraw a controversial plan that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, a spokeswoman told CNN Tuesday night.

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants came under heavy criticism.

Spitzer plans to withdraw the proposal on Wednesday, spokeswoman Jennifer Givner told CNN.

The governor is in Washington, D.C., for a meeting with New York's congressional delegation on the issue, she said.

Spitzer's plan drew national attention and stirred opposition from critics, some of whom expressed concern over possible voter fraud.

"I believe this is just a fundamental issue of right and wrong," said Rep. Tom Latham, an Iowa Republican who opposes Spitzer's plan. "And to give people official recognition when they come in and break the law in their first act in this country is simply wrong."

Seventy-six percent of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, according to poll conducted in October for CNN by the Opinion Research Corp.

---Finally, someone with some fucking brains.---


dad-e~O said...

we know that not giving them DL doesn't mean they won't drive right? it just means they are less likely to have insurance and are more likely to become a burden on the system when they get into accidents. not to mention they will be driving illegally. if crossing the border and living in the US is illegal, will they even bat an eye at driving with forged DL's, i think not. but if they didn't take the test, they don't necessarily know all the laws and how to drive safely.

am I FOR giving licenses to illegals, not sure, but it's not a cut and dried issue.

Sickboy said...

I personally think it may give terrorists easier access to gaining some legal ground to things here in the US, thats my big problem I have with it, but I see your points just the same PJB.