Thursday, November 29, 2007

random thoughts

two recent immigration stories from the tucson region.

first is about a tucson police officer stopping a van and after brief struggle with an occupant of the van, an illegal immigrant, the officer shot and killed him.
the second is about a mother and son on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere whne the mother loses control of her vehicle causing it to fall into a ravine. the mother is injured and trapped while her son crawls free and goes for help. he is found by an illegall immigrant who returns with him to the crash. the mother dies of her injuries while the 9 year old boy is taken care of by the illegal. the next morning they are able to find help and the illegal is turned over to border patrol and deported.

did any of you hear of either of these stories?

in my local paper the police officer story was on the front page of the regional section while the immigrant as hero story was buried next to the obituaries. this is of course in the paper that everyone considers to be the local liberal rag.

my last thought is that the illegal that sat with the kid overnight should be given, if not outright citizenship, the right to stay and work in our country. we want that sort of person here.


Sickboy said...

still an illegal to me, doesnt matter.

Scott said...

Steve, where are the picks from Scotland????? By the by your sister and uncle say hi, and that you should call them once in a while.

Hey E, A lot of people feel the same way about drug addicts and other individuals who don't work for a living. I am not trying to pick a fight with you, but I just don't get your hard line on this issue. From a conservative perspective people who live in your set of circumstances are even worse than these Mexicans in question.

Sickboy said...

Im not even gonna dignify you with an answer.

Sickboy said...

First of all, you dont know my "circumstances" so dont act like you do. You have no reason as to know why I cannot work for a living, very few people do and it has NOTHING to do with my PAST drug use.

I am not here in this country illegally, I pay my taxes and I obey its laws to the best of my ability.

I explained my feelings on this illegal issue quite a while ago in another post and I will not be reexplaining myself again.

Thanks for the fucking insult by the way. I would NEVER talk to you like that. 'People who live in my set of circumstances....."

See ya round boys.

Scott said...

It's true I intentionally said some rather hurtful things to my friend E, and while I really don't have any malice behind my words towards him I would like him to at the very least see that some of his beliefs and words are just as hurtful on to others as mine were on him. E is a great guy, and in fact a truly thoughtful and caring soul. I simply want my friend whom I belive to good and decent to aleast take a small thought twards a very complex issue. Like E, I am certain that few of us truly know all the facts and "circumstances" that surround this complex issue.

I hope E will accept my unconditional apology.

Sickboy said...

Apology accepted, you have just caught me at a tough point in my life with my Father's recent passing, my surgery and the fact that my mom and I have to up and move in a very fast manner.

I will not, for the millionth time explain my feelings on illegal immigrants when I have done so so many times in the past. The bottom line? I don't like them, I don't want them in my community, nor in my country. I will not go on any furthr in my explanation at this time.

Sickboy said...

BUt yes, I shall admit, this Illegal went ovut and beyond his duties to help a person in need and should receive some type of acknowledgment. Should that mean legal status in this nation? No. I wouldnt go that far, but he should get something, we do need more people like him around.