Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Photo Montage and Merry New Year from Scott

Twelve pictures twelve months. I tried to choose images that best represent our lives each month. Although now that I look at it, there is no way any of it will make any sense to you. Best wishes to all of you in the New Year.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Saturday!!

---Well, in a little while, we will be meeting with the home owners to fill out an application and talk to them about renting that house we would love to have. Im pretty anxious. Its not as cold here this AM as I thought it would be, but I just caught a second of the news and could swear that the weather chick said the high temp. on New Years Day is gonna be 12. 12 is no fun. Screw 12. This is when things get hard for me...I cannot stand the heat of summer anymore, BUT 12???? Im sure with the wind chill it will be well below zero.

Have any of you seen the commercial for that new drug that fills the receptors in your brain so that you dont crave nicotine as much? I think it may be something I may try sometime down the road here. Its cool cuz its just a pill and if you mess up and smoke, there is no danger like with the patch. Im really worried cuz Im back down to my ideal weight of 160 and I dont want quitting smoking to make me gain a bunch of weight back.

So, whats this weekend look like for you? It will be child madness for me today down at the ex's shop which annoys the hell out of me. Not the kid, the customers. Ava will take off and start talking to customers in the shop which is fine, shes very out going and rather talkative, I have no problem with that. But its when the customers get down to her level and talk to her is when I get protective. I think "Lady (or Mister), you lay one finger on that kid and I will put you through that plate glass window without giving it a 2nd thought." Thats cool, call me over protective, I dont mind. Ive only had one thing like that happen down there at her shop that was somewhat close to that and Im glad my ex never saw it because it would have freaked her out. Hell, it freaked me out, but it put me in protective mode right away. Im very over protective of my ex and the kid, which I guess is good and bad.

Well boys, have a great weekend, keep warm and remember to hold your friends close but your enemies closer.---

Friday, December 28, 2007

your very own year in review...

---Hi there good lookin, here is some more stuff to think over and talk about as this year comes to a close.

If you had to think of a phrase to sum up your whole year, what would it be?

Did you pick up OR lose any habits in 07?

Who would you like to see play live this next year? Did you see anyone perform this past year? Ministry tix 44 damn dollars, WTF Big Al!

What changed you the most in 07?

Just think these over and get back to bloggin when you get a few mins. cool?---

The year in music...

---So, how many records did you buy this year, a few, a lot? I can say I only bought one album this year, the rest of my music was ripped from peer to peer groups online or given to me as copies from other people I know here.

How about you guys?---

Morning blah de blah

---Hiya fellas! Thanks for being so understanding concerning my bad tastes in jokes. We got the white stuff fallin here right now, about an inch or two, nothing major. I think you guys are due for some snow today too, am I right?

Things here are alright. I like going outside to smoke in the snow, it makes everything so quiet. I grabbed a small little book my ex was reading from her house and I find it to be hysterical. Its called Bad Cat. 244 not-so-pretty kitties and cats gone bad, by Jim Edgar. Its just pics of cats with silly expressions on their faces with really funny captions. Also listed is the cats age and what its personal hobby is. Kinda funny. You know, its one of those little useless bathroom books.

My latest tattoo work is healing up nicely and is itching like a bitch. We still have not heard from the owners of that house we want, they must be really busy or on vacation. The lady said they were gonna be super busy around the holidays and not to fret.

So. What are you boys gonna do for New Years eve? You going out or playin it safe and staying in? Ill be with my kid and the ex. All will be good. I gotta get a good pic of her on this new computer so I can show you guys what she looks like nowadays, shes gettin so big. She'll be 5 in just 10 days.

I noticed Ministry is coming back to Chicago in May or some time around that. 44 damn dollars a ticket! Al must be high. Id never pay that much to see them. There is almost no band Id pay that much to see. Im glad Im not into that kind of music anymore....

So yeah, let me know what you guys are gonna do for New Years eve.....

Next week, this city will be put on the map of the World for a short time with the caucus coming up. It really does get crazy here.---

---UPDATE on new home! The owners just contacted us and we are meeting with them tomorrow morning to fill out an app. and all that good stuff!!!---

Thursday, December 27, 2007

my stance

---I took the post down so this doesnt become a 3 ring circus. That joke was originally forwarded to me from one of my other internet pallys.

But yeah, if certain people here find my political views as "offensive" they best just look the other way then cuz I will not stop my own political view points. Ill keep em clean and "racist" free, but Im not gonna stop talkin politics when it comes up.

but when I say politics it goes a lot farther than a bunch of nimrods we vote into office. Over the years now, I have become a very opinionated person. Im not saying Im right nor wrong, but I stand behind my principles. Im pretty strong willed after what Ive gone through in life and I think my morals play a part of that too.

That "joke" I posted here had no racial ramifications, you guys are the ones that were so quick to put a label on it. The joke doesn't state who is being made fun of.

At the very least, I thought Id get a reply asking where it came from and how I was doing, considering things around here are friggin crazy nuts since Den died but nope, play that race card.

You guys wouldn't have given 2 shits if the joke was something like "Hey if you wanna keep the Irish out of your pub, when you see them coming, hide the Guiness, and bring out the PBR.

Im not a racist and I take offense to being called one. One of the closest friends here is Jewish, for example. Plus do you think I want my daughter to grow up in a home with that kind of judge mental energy? Just because Im a right winger doesnt mean Im a hate monger and I would never teach Ava to be one. The poor kids gonna hear it from both sides anyways when shes old enough, Im on the right and the ex is a bleeding heart liberal.

New Years...

---Alright, I have to ask because I have yet in my life to actually know a person who has been able to carry one out, but I figured, what the hell, Ill ask the boys....

What your New Years resolution???

Mine is to quit obsessing over illegal imigration---

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All the hype.

---Do you find it annoying that there is all this hype and madness around Christmas? You know, going out to buy gifts, family planing and it all equals out to one day that is over in the blink of an eye. I find all the hype rather annoying. The ONLY reason I get excited about the holidays now is because of my kid.

It was a rough day for both me and my Mom. I didnt think it was gonna be too bad, but then you get done with the gifts and the food and all that stuff and we were brought back to reality that hes' not here anymore. I dont mean to sound dramatic or anything, just gettin a few mis placed feelings from the day off my chest. I feel comfortable explaining my feelings and thoughts here.

The weather was really nice today, around 40 and sunny. We are due for a half inch tomorrow and then Thurs. into Fri. we are supposed to get hit with 5-7 inches of the white stuff. We had my Mom's home made lasagna for dinner tonight, it was delicious.

Do you ever just sit there and space off and wonder how some of our favorite musicians or actors spend their Christmas? I do, well, I did today to take my mind off some stuff. Do you ever think about it? I mean what the hell does Mike Ness get from his wife for Christmas? What about someone like Big Al from Ministry, what the hell would he get for the holiday?I know that Mike Ness has been drug and alcohol free since the mid 80s, so that rules out good booze. Im pretty sure Al has been clean for quite some time too, so that rules out an 8 ball of coke.---

Holiday Wrap up, get it...wrap up, haha......

---So, I expect a full report from you guys over the next couple of days as to what you got for Christmas! I got some Obsession cologne, a couple new Dickies work shirts that I love to wear, but the best gift of all I opened last.

I looked on the wrapper and it said To: Eric From: Den.....It was a book that he noticed I had wanted and he had remembered and bought it for me before he got sick and died. Yeah, very special, lots of tears.

We were gonna go out for breakfast but my Mom was up most of the night due to loneliness, she misses her companion, so we just stayed here and ate.

I got my Mom and cool bracelet, a new top,a new perfume and a few other small things for the kitchen.

Tomorrow we are gonna call the owners of that house we want to see whats up, Ill keep you all posted.

So, what cha get?---

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Stuff....

---Well, its Christmas Eve. I bet a bunch of you guys are runnin around trying to get things done. I really miss Den in a bad way right now and thats why Im blogging right now. Im trying really hard to not break down in front of my Mom because I dont wanna upset her. I know, deep down it wouldnt matter to her if I did, but it matters to me.

So, I shall change the subject...

What do you guys want for Christmas, or what do you think youre gettin?

Its pretty chilly here and we have about 4 inches of the white stuff on the ground right now and we are due for another inch tomorrow, which will make for a white Christmas...perfect.

We are going out to eat tonight, Red Lobster I think and then tomorrow we will go to breakfast then come home to open gifts. Those are 2 of the new traditions we are going to start. I will also be reading the Christmas story from The Bible, which Den did for years and years, its gonna be weird fillin his shoes.

I love you guys, enjoy your holiday, dont eat too much, ah heck, eat a ton and for those of us who have kids runnin around I hope you get to see the magic in their eyes again as they open their gifts. Kids rule, ya know?

OK, gotta run, Love You ALL, have a great day!!---

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year, From Scott

Holiday blah blah.....

---So, do you guys buy your pets any gifts for Christmas?

Its pretty funny, I was just sitting here for fun, going through the paper looking at places to live and I came across a townhome for rent for 1025.00 a month. The price alone almost made me spit out my coffee, cuz for around here, thats a HUGE price tag! Then I read "the rules" to rent this place...."no pets, no smoking"
For Fucks sake, for that amount of monthly rent, you outta be able to build a damn barn in the backyard and smoke like a chimney if you want!

The suns out here now even though its terribly cold, its close to zero I think. Im drinking too much coffee this morning too, I feel zippy. I am very anxious about Christmas being here, but my Mom and I have to endure and we will. Time to start some new traditions, so her and I can move on and heal yet, remember Den at the same time.

So, whos going where for the holiday?---

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter woes

---So here I am, its Sat. morning and we are due to get nailed by a pretty good sized snow storm within the next couple of hours so it will be a white Christmas here. Its flippin cold too, wind chill is 11.

Well, I went and got my left arm sleeve worked on some more the other day, no pics yet, I dont own a digi cam. and last night when I went over to the exs' place, she had left her digi cam. at her shop. Its pretty sweet and Im pretty sore, but I did get to implement Social Distortion's infamous mascot "Skelly" into the the piece in a very non traditional way, so Im happy about that.

My ex and kid will be heading up to Northern IA. tomorrow morning due to the weather today. They will be celebrating the holidays with her mom and dad. Her dad has pancreatic cancer, so the time spent there is huge. Hes doing pretty damn good right now though, which is wonderful. I wont get to do Christmas with my kid until prolly next Weds. or Thus.

I rented a couple mindless, slack jawed movies to watch this weekend...The Simpsons and Knocked Up. Im not looking forward to seeing either of them but I needed something to do with the kid gone and a nasty storm headed this way.

Hows things with you guys? PJB, I see you keep gettin new stock in all the time so things must be going well which makes me very happy for you. Youll be in my heart and on my mind this holiday too and we both know why. I havent seen Scott around here for a while, nor has Steve or Mr. Martin stopped in to reply or post anything.

Im getting better and better with dealing with the loss of Den everyday. Ill admit, I cant watch death scenes or funerals on TV yet, but thats fine. Still fearing Christmas. But some shit went down when he died and we may have some serious retribution coming our way after its all said and done. One of his neurologists fucked up big time on some things.....

The blog is kinda dead, but its the holidays, but still gotta give props for PJ for stoppin in and commenting recently.---

Thursday, December 20, 2007


---I wanna say this now so hopefully you guys will have the time to read it before things get super crazy with the holiday week almost upon us.

I have learned ONE honest and brutally real thing this past year. That thing is to love with all you got and NEVER be afraid to tell the people you care about that you love them too.

Reach for the sky, for tomorrow may never come.

I just wanted an extra 30 seconds with Den, 30 seconds to say thank you. Thats all, not goodbye or anything, just thank you, thank you, because along with my Mom, he showed me what true love is. I didnt get that chance, so please, dont ever be afraid to tell those that matter that you love them. Sure, I have a pocket full of memories, some are good and some are bad, but they have ALL taught me to say I love you.

I hope this Christmas you run into family or friends you dont see all too often and you get to catch up with them and you are able to tell them you love them. If youre a real man you can do it. A real man can show his feelings. This isnt prison where you havta act all hard like stone or a rock, these are people you know and may love.

Please tell them, you never know what the future brings.

So, that is my Christmas wish, for all of you to be able to tell those that matter that you love them if you can.

My gift to you is just as simple. Im giving you the gift of love. I love you guys, OK? Please dont ever forget that. Sure, weve had arguments here on this crazy blog over politics and music and the like but none of it matters, because of the bond we share.

Enjoy your holiday. Merry Christmas and I love you

Your brother, Eric---

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Setzer, the guitar wizard

---Now this is an old song by Setzer and his 68 Comeback Special because this album came out back in '01, but I just wanted to post it to show off his incredible guitar slinging skills. TOTALLY under rated as a guitar player. This music is so much better than any of that electronic, synthesized junk they try to pass of as music today.

Long live the power of a 3 piece band and NO god damn keyboard players! Social D. does tour with a guy who does play the Hammond B3 Organ though, but there is a HUGE diff. between an organ and a damn keyboard. The Hammond Organ is from another time, a vintage monster, it is old school. For certain songs it totally compliments SD's playing style. They've been touring with the Organ for quite a while now and I hope they use it a lot more on the next album which should be out very early next year. OK, back to Setzer..........

Im no huge fan of the Stray Cats nor am I a huge fan of Setzer's solo stuff, but I think this video clip shows of his playing style really damn well.---

Monday, December 17, 2007

House shopping

---Hi Boys. I would greatly appreciate it if you would say a prayer/keep us (my mom and I) in your thoughts over the next week or so. We found our dream house for rent, now all we have to do is fill out the application and pray. Its an adorable 2 bedroom. 2 bath at a great price! It has a finished basement that I could have for a computer area and a pullout sleeper for guests. It has decent decks both in the front and back. It comes with a washer/dryer combo and a 3 car garage! You can make any upgrades you wish and all you have to do is give the receipts to the Landlord and she deducts it from your rent. The only minuscule draw back is no dish washer, but I dont mind doing dishes if I have to, its no big thing. The back deck was so sweet, I could sit back there during the summer months and drink a margarita and smoke a big fat stogie all while watching the kid play in the back yard. Nice spacious kitchen, lots of room for a kitchen table.

The couple is moving out late Jan, so we could get in Mid-Feb. or March 1st. The family that is there now is being shipped off to Guantanimo in Cuba. Very nice family is currently renting it, they hate to leave, but US duty calls the hubby to service.

Thats all for now guys, just wanted to give my extended "family" a heads up!!!

We really hope we land this one. Its sooooo nice, we just wanna get out of where we are.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wrong Number of the Day

"I have a message for every homeowner worried about rising mortgage payments: the best you can do for your family is to call 1-800-995-HOPE." —President George W. Bush. The correct number actually started with "888." So where did the wrong number take folks? How about the Freedom Christian Academy—a Texas-based group that provides Christian education home schooling material. Hmmm.

I had a few minutes to kill, and was checking out an industry web site, and they had this little article. thought it would be fun to pass it along

Yes X-mas is a real hoot here in AH, we sold two bikes, and some other stuff. My shopping is done, only cause Tif did it all. I got her the same thing I got her last year.
My undying love..... cheesy I know, but we are spending on the boys and family.

Thank you so much.

---Thank you. I don't think I ever said that enough.

Thank you.

For giving a damn when it seemed no one else would. For the countless little tips of wisdom. For the myriad of gifts when I deserved not a single one. Thank you for standing by me, even in times when you maybe shouldn't have, even when it involved my own Mother.

Thank you.

Thank you for sometimes not showing me in your actions, but showing me in your dedications, which meant the world to me.

I miss you so much.---

Friday, December 14, 2007

Avas Christmas Pageant

---Did I spell pageant right? Anyways, I just got home from watching and her pre school put on a pretty damn cute Christmas show. Ava, of course stole the show, she sang her very own solo of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, and nailed it perfectly, even with her red nose and antlers on! I was a little emotional, but c'mon cut me some slack, Ive been through a lot over the past month.

Shes gettin so big. Before I know it she'll be in school, then Ill be really freaked out!

So, what did you get your special lady for Christmas? What would you like or what do you think youre getting? My mom has about 5 things for me, no clue what they are, Im kinda excited! I THINK one of them is that FLY Fusion pentop computer, you know, youve seen the add for it for teens. Its a pen but its kinda like a little data holder, you can write with it on paper, then it "saves" all youve written to its little memory and then you can DL as written data to your computer when you get home. Ive been doing a lot of writing lately and I cant get a laptop, nor do I want one, so this little computer like pen may come in handy for me, especially for therapy sessions. Besides that possibility, I have no idea what I may be getting.

Gotta send props to PJB for coming to the blog and helping me feel like Im not the only one out there. I KNOW, I KNOW you motherfuckers get busy with life, but I know PJ is super busy with life, thats why I wanted to give him extra props to breathing some life back into the blog by following up on some of my small talk. Thanks Brother.

Well, thats all from the frozen tundra of Iowa for now, time for bed soon, but first I havta go out in minus 2 degree weather like a fucktard and smoke. Yep, Im a certifiable fucktard.---

I sure have a few of these....

Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

All done

---Well, I officially just got done with my Christmas shopping! Everything is done and wrapped! It also took me over an hour to unfreeze my car this AM too so I could drive it. It took several bottles of hot ass water to melt the ice fast enough so I could get in one door to slide in and kick the other one open. Damn sick and tired of these ice storms, but I feel really blessed that I don't live somewhere like Oklahoma city where it looks like they could be out of power for weeks. THAT would suck.

So, I notice that the political action is gettin real hot here in Iowa with the caucus coming up in just a few weeks. Its kinda funny how they put tons and tons of coverage on the Democratic caucus, but next to none on the Republican one. Thats alright though, we'll get em in the end.

Fucking Oprah and Obama make me sick.---

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ho Ho Ho!

---OK, how far along are you guys with your holiday shopping? As of tomorrow, I will be officially done! Ive kinda gone out of the way to spoil my mom with gifts this year. I know that "buying her out" isnt gonna bring Den back, nor is it gonna take away her pain, but if I can make her smile for for an extra min. or two on Christmas morning, Ill be happy.

This Christmas is gonna be terribly difficult to get through. But we shall survive.

So, hows the shoppin going on your end?---

Monday, December 10, 2007

Baby rant!!!!

---OK, its too early to be THIS cold, even though I rather have it be this cold than say, 90 degrees, but c'mon! I'm also sick of the ice storms, get with it Mom Nature, either rain or snow but please cut the freezin rain junk. Its still too hard for me to scrape a half inch of ice off my car cuz of my surgery, so just knock it off

Hows the weather there? You guys gettin more ice/snow tomorrow? We are.....but more ice.


End rant. Love You =)

---Well, its Tuesday now and we managed to live through the overnight ice storm, we got about a half inch of ice all over everything. It just switched over to snow about an hour ago and I will admit, everything looks beautiful. Im not traveling in any of this shit today though, no thanks. I was gonna go to my artist and get a quote on finishing up my left sleeve but it will have to wait until next week now, no big deal.

Whats goin on over there, you guys gettin any nasty weather today?---

Friday, December 07, 2007

---click on him to get the full effect.---

Democratic Convention Agenda!

Early Release Schedule of Events 2008 Democratic Convention

7:00 PM ~ Opening flag burning

7:15 PM ~ Pledge of Allegiance to the U. N.

7:20 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

7:25 PM ~ Nonreligious prayer and worship with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

7:45 PM ~ Ceremonial tree hugging

7:55 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

8:00 PM ~ How I Invented the Internet - Al Gore

8:15 PM ~ Gay Wedding Planning - Barney Frank presiding

8:35 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

8:40 PM ~ Our Troops are War Criminals - John Kerry

9.00 PM ~ Memorial service for Saddam and his sons - Cindy Sheehan and Susan Sarandon

10:00 PM ~ "Answering Machine Etiquette" - Alec Baldwin

11:00 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

11:05 PM ~ Collection for the Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant fund - Barbra Streisand

11:15 PM ~ Free the Freedom Fighters from Guantanamo Bay - Sean Penn

11:30 PM ~ Oval Office Affairs - William Jefferson Clinton

11:45 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

11:50 PM ~ How George Bush Brought Down the World Trade Towers - Howard Dean

12:15 am ~ "Truth in Broadcasting Award" - Presented to Dan Rather by Michael Moore

12:25 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

12:30 am ~ Satellite address by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

12:45 am ~ Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Nancy Pelosi

1:00 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

1:05 am ~ Coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton

1:30 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

1:35 am ~ Bill Clinton asks Ted Kennedy to drive Hillary home

---Sorry, I couldnt resist.---

Meet the big O, Mr. Obama.

In the world of retail, there's star power, there's celebrity endorsement and then there's Oprah Winfrey. Her Midas touch saves names from anonymity, best sellers from dusty storerooms and favorite things from Internet obscurity.

But as Winfrey has long chosen abstinence in the arena of political endorsements and campaign-trail theater, her capital remains untested. Until now.

In May, Winfrey affirmed her support for Sen. Barack Obama's presidential candidacy to Larry King, describing Obama's leadership as "worth me going out on a limb for." In September, the media titan feted Obama at a California fundraiser, raking in more than $3 million for the Illinois senator's White House bid.

And this weekend, Winfrey hits the trail with the Democratic candidate, making appearances alongside Obama in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire.

---Do you think this will do a lot of good for his campaign?---

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Your “Top Five” most disliked music ever!

Well we all have seen and heard the ubiquitous question “Who are your top five most favorite music artists of all time?” and Personally I find them a little hard to answer. I mean for fuck sake I have some where around 35 gigs of music on my computer, does that strike you as the type of guy who has a short list of favorites? I might be able to give a top five for each genre. But the whole concept of these questions are so redundant in them self. Wouldn’t it simply be easier to simply establish the music some one doesn’t like first. Then you could end your conversation on a positive note by reviewing those bands you do like. Heck wouldn’t it be great if there was an online music source that built your profile off not only your likes but your dislikes from the start? Well now I am rambling.

So what are your top five most despised musicians of all time?

Here are mine in order:

1. Pink Floyd
2. Alanis Morissette
3. Guns and Roses
4. James Taylor
5. Back Street Boys

Whoops! no sooner did I publish this post and leave the house in my car, but what did I hear on the radio...?

Lets Add one more and make it a simple half dozen.

6. Cher!


---First, I wanna send peace out to all those affected by yesterday's senseless tragedy in Omaha.

2nd, we are currently getting hit with our first real snow of the year, coming down about the rate of a half inch every hour, nothing all to spectacular, but its still pretty. I heard you guys really got a decent amount, huh?

I went to the dr. today to have my hurnea wound looked at and all looks good. Its pretty wild, they secure the wound together with surgical glue! No stitches, no staples, just a glue. Wild, I tell ya!

OK, Im as high as a kite on pain killers after them poking and prodding at my wound today so Im gonna get back to my book for now, over n out...---

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Interesting Blog

---Its all pics, but needs no explanation really---

Joke Time!!!!

How many racists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None -- they don't want to be enlightened!

Winter Wonderland

---So, it is to my understanding you guys got hit with some snow yesterday, am I correct about this? If so, enjoy the seasons first white stuff!

We are due to get hit tomorrow with 3-4 inches, shouldnt be too bad. Hell, Im laid up at home still recovering from surgery so I dont really care, Ill just watch the white stuff fly. I have always loved the first measurable snowfall of the season, its always so nice and pure looking.

I know Scott loves it, but what about the rest of you guys, do you enjoy the first snowfall?---