Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wrong Number of the Day

"I have a message for every homeowner worried about rising mortgage payments: the best you can do for your family is to call 1-800-995-HOPE." —President George W. Bush. The correct number actually started with "888." So where did the wrong number take folks? How about the Freedom Christian Academy—a Texas-based group that provides Christian education home schooling material. Hmmm.

I had a few minutes to kill, and was checking out an industry web site, and they had this little article. thought it would be fun to pass it along

Yes X-mas is a real hoot here in AH, we sold two bikes, and some other stuff. My shopping is done, only cause Tif did it all. I got her the same thing I got her last year.
My undying love..... cheesy I know, but we are spending on the boys and family.

1 comment:

Sickboy said...

Thats a very impressive sacrifice you and Tif make by not gettin one another anything so you have more for Max and Jake.

Im glad the business is doing well.

That is interesting that that number did direct people to that group. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against Christians, as some of you know, my Mom is a very dedicated Christian, so was Den.

Heck Den read through the WHOLE Bible 22 times in his life. We used to call him "the Bible answer man".