Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Stuff....

---Well, its Christmas Eve. I bet a bunch of you guys are runnin around trying to get things done. I really miss Den in a bad way right now and thats why Im blogging right now. Im trying really hard to not break down in front of my Mom because I dont wanna upset her. I know, deep down it wouldnt matter to her if I did, but it matters to me.

So, I shall change the subject...

What do you guys want for Christmas, or what do you think youre gettin?

Its pretty chilly here and we have about 4 inches of the white stuff on the ground right now and we are due for another inch tomorrow, which will make for a white Christmas...perfect.

We are going out to eat tonight, Red Lobster I think and then tomorrow we will go to breakfast then come home to open gifts. Those are 2 of the new traditions we are going to start. I will also be reading the Christmas story from The Bible, which Den did for years and years, its gonna be weird fillin his shoes.

I love you guys, enjoy your holiday, dont eat too much, ah heck, eat a ton and for those of us who have kids runnin around I hope you get to see the magic in their eyes again as they open their gifts. Kids rule, ya know?

OK, gotta run, Love You ALL, have a great day!!---


dad-e~O said...

we were open,and had a record day!
then a little quality time with the inlaws....

Sickboy said...

really? WOW, thats a great gift in itself, glad you had a record day!