Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, I made it to 35 yesterday. The day itself was alright, my Mom took me out to breakfast, then to dinner later that evening. I got a new pinkie ring and yet another Dickies shirt. The day went off with a bang, but upstairs in the noggin, for the 1st time, I actually felt older, like I had aged another year!

Ive always dug on my Birthday cuz it means Fall isnt too far off, no more silly sweating and doing laundry 475 times a week, I can actually get away with wearing a t-shirt or whatever more than once!

I have to learn how to RELAX and bad. I have to learn how to get rid of some of the negativity in my head fast for it is really, I mean really effecting my ex's outlook on me and thus I get the kid kept away from me too.

Breathe in, breathe out. 1.....2.....and so on.....

Any brothers out there got any advice or tips for me?


Scott said...

Hey E, Happy belated!!!!!

Advice eh? Well best of luck to you, I usually go for some sort of vigorous exercise paired with loud violent music when I feel anger is starting to control my life. It has been a few months since I have done so my self and I can really tell the difference... I have empathy for your situation currently.

Sickboy said...

Thanks my man! Yeah, I have been listening to certain things more while others, less. I think being straight for so long has started to psychologically do me in to.

Sickboy said...

Another thing that helps me is kinda obvious...I just walk away from the person or situation. I have to with the ex because shes been using my kid as a game piece lately. If E is good, E can see the kid, no problem, but if E is being mean, or better yet disagrees with something I do or say, he cant see the kid which is total b.s.

She tries really hard to keep the kid all wrapped up in this "safety bubble" she has created. She is always saying how she wants things to be "calm" around her. Well the REAL world doesnt work that way, shit is gonna happen. She will eventually see or hear shit that she doesnt approve of. Sure, it bothers me too, but I know come some day down the road of life, my kid's perfect bubble will burst.


dad-e~O said...

Happy b-day
I think exercise does help.
so does the walking away thing, rarely does a situation require an "IMMEDIATE" response, breathe, count, then respond.
I know would have interesting things to say about anger management, since she has been putting up with my poor anger management skills for 14 years....

dad-e~O said...

tif says:

Peter is far less angry if he gets sex on a regular basis...

he's angry a lot lately

All joking aside I tend to agree with your ex, a little. Now, I can't image you rising your voice at that sweet little girl of yours, but i asked Peter to stop, breath, and count before dealing with the boys. It works out well for all involved because the boys realize he is controlling his anger(a good lesson anyway) and that can be more effective then getting yelled at. when they have made dad so mad he needs to count they tend to listen up.

Sickboy said...

hey Tif!

Yeah, none of my anger has been directed @ my little girl, just other certain situations. The thing that gets me is I dont want her to learn that it is "OK" to get angry all the damn time. Take time, walk away, talk it out, go home, whatever, I just want her to understand that ever little thing doesnt have to be hostile.