Friday, August 08, 2008

Flying Solo

I dropped Tif & the Lads off @ Ohare today, they went to Utah to visit BroDanny.
So I am Bacholaring it for a few days, wich of course means Work, Beer, Sleep, Ride, Walk dog.
Which is essentially what I would do if they were here, just lonlier....
A strange thing, when She isn't home I don't like sleeping in our bed, for whatever reason it seems to big, so I couch it.
And I won't cook for myself. So PB& Honey for breakfast, Cereal for lunch, and a sandwich from somewhere for dinner... I won't actually heat anything, to much work.
Other updates from AH.
our puppy Barley is starting to calm down a bit (Just a bit)
our old dog Henry has decided she has earned the privilage to pee in the house if we don't let her out every few hours
The Shop is going well, starting to slow down a bit with the tail end of "Season"

Sorry about thhe Poli-post the other day, I kinda just thought it was a funny video and wanted to share it with my friends, more then thinking about the Political implications of the post and this forum. So I'll make it up to you, this video kills me everytime I watch it.

later tater...

1 comment:

Sickboy said...

Hey buddy, flying solo for a week huh? You gotta admit, its kinda nice. Ill be doing the same thing next week too.

Dont sweat the political joke you posted several days ago, Im over it and in no way am I close to mad. It just hit me cuz not every GOP member is like that, hell, most arent.

Obama freaks me out. Im praying he doesnt win come November. McCain still has a good shot at it too.

I cant believe yet another year has passed and its my b-day time in a couple weeks. Man, the shit flies when you get older...another year gone *poof* I can remember when I was a wee one playing with all my friends during summer vaca. from school and those months seemed to go on forever.