Friday, August 15, 2008

Happens all too fast.

---Well, tonight my small "graduates" from preschool. There is a ceremony and everything. She starts kinder garden next week. Im sure like many times before, there will be a few tears shed on my part.

This is all happening too fast I tell ya. My kid is amazing and I know there have been times in the way past where I was a craptastic father, but thats all in the past now and I do my best today to nurture her growth and be an over protective SOB. I just cant believe this is all happening all too quickly.

I cant wait to hear her tell me what she learned in school for a day, it will be like relearning it again. Seeing through your little one's eyes is awesome. Damnit, just yesterday she was still being bottle fed and now here we are at the gates of the beginning of something special that will help to shape her in so many ways.

Im not gonna sit here and bitch about the Iowa Public School system, its one of the best in the nation, Im just not positive Im 100% ready for this.

Dang, getting all grown up.---

1 comment:

Sickboy said...

---Just a little Graduation update! It was adorable, there was 6 of them in her group and my girl won the award for having the greatest imagination! I told her that that is one of the most important things to have because it allows you to strive for your goals in so many ways, both seen and unseen.

The ceremony was about 20 mins. then we went outside to eat cake and let the kids run around like monsters for a bit. After that was all said and done, we took her to her fave. diner in town her so she could have a killer grilled cheese.

Yeah, fucking sue me, I cried a little.