Sunday, August 24, 2008

just a check up on my boys.

---If Ive learned one damn thing in life its this....

Dont bother trying to pour your guts out to someone who is too "busy" to care. And, an ex is an ex for a reason.

Hows tricks? Things here are, well, they were kinda shitty, but I managed to get them back to being as normal as possible.

The kid friggin LOVES school, thinks its the best thing ever, yeah, wait til you hit Geometry kiddo.

Weather here has been ultra pleasant, highs only in the mid 80s and last night it got down to 56. Awesome sleepin weather.

Im glad that I cannot legally purchase a firearm. It makes my enemies a lot safer. What? Im just sayin......

How is suburbanite Chicago treating you guys? Hows the shop PJB? You had last mentioned that you were gettin into the "tail end" of the season. Scott, I know its VERY hard for you to post with the new wee one, but how are YOU holding up. Its always about the baby, never about the parents well being. I know Scott you are a GREAT Father, so ya hangin in there?

One last thing before I go....Joe Biden? Hahahahahaha.....WTF?

Pat me on the back boys, Ive been "clean" for a while now!!!"---


dad-e~O said...

Good job on being Clean.
as far as being to busy... well... I am pretty busy, it's not that I don't care, it's just.... being busy.
Things are good here in AH, we had a great weekend at the shop, the boys are looking forward to school (kinda) Tif is recovering from Oral surgery (hold the jokes please)

Sickboy said...

No jokes here, sounds too painful to kid around about, ouch! Yeah you can tell in the air here that Summer is starting to lose its grip on things. I heard someone say that The Farmers Almanac said this Winter is gonna be worse than the last, I cant Imagine that, last year we got friggin nailed here pretty much through the entire season.

sp9000 said...

Keep up the good work on staying clean!

All is good and well here. I don't get much time at the key board these days my new appendage Maisie does not like it when I stop walking and bouncing... this is total madness!!!

But fear not I do stop in at least once a day, you are always a part of my routine.

I do expect to create a post I have been working on for some time before this weekend.

Sickboy said...

Well, it sounds like you are both good and I am rather anxious to see this post youve been building Scott.

Yeah, it is pretty weird now knowing that my daughter is in school, full time. Ive been reduced to shreds w/ the ex though. I am now only "allowed" to see the kid once a week and on Saturdays. Damn fucking women.

Well, Im glad youre both out there doing well. My 35th Birthday is tomorrow, so Im trying to figure out what I wanna do, Ill prolly just end up out with Mom for eats, then off to see the new animated Star Wars flick.