Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ive got the ankle blues

---I rolled my ankle twice last week. You know, when you are walking and your ankle just turns out under you? Yeah, that. So, its about the size of a tennis ball. I went in for an x ray this AM and I swear those SOBs dont care what kinda position they havta put you in to get a good picture. I understand that they have to do that to get the right angle for the shot but damn, can you say OUCH?

So, Ill know in a few days whats up. I know it isnt obviously broken, but my Dr. was worried about tendon damage.

My Mom is already planning out our new Christmas decor for the living room this year...all white and red, it sounds nice actually, I dont mind it. Woke up at 730 this AM and it was 42 degrees here, without a doubt the coldest morning weve had in a long time. Started wearing a jacket again.

Im pretty fed up with all the Presidential finger pointing and blaming from both sides of the pool. I feel Sarah Palin would not yet be ready to lead this Nation if something happened to Senator McCain and that concerns me. Obama concerns me, period.

The kid loves school, thinks its great! We dodged a bullet there. She has music class and art class and gym quite often. I would not be surprised if she ends up an artist in life, she is damn creative and has been fed an excellent plethora of music. Time will tell and there is plenty of it. I just dont want her dating a musician, thats all. Heh---

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Over the Hill

So it's official,
I'm old.
I recently turned 35, (I spent most of the big day in Vegas, geeking out on Bike Stuff, not drinking, whoring or gambling.) which is bad enough....

but I just got back from the Jewel, where I bought beer (Amstel Light, of all things) among other things, and I wasn't ID'd. tattoo's, shorts, rumpled shirt. "yup, with that gray hair, he must be old enough to buy"

On more personal notes:
-We are reaching a big step in Bike Shop Land, we are planning on ordering a WHOLE CRAPLOAD (over 100) of bikes and expanding our offerings for 09, as well as some remodeling of the shop. kind of exciting and crazy times.
-The boys are in seperate schools for the first time in 5 years, which makes the morning routine a little less hectic.
-Tif got a cool job as asistant head coach of one the local Swim Teams "Chlorine is my drug of Choice" she says, so it's a great oppurtunity for her.
-Our puppy is slowin becoming a smaller pain in the ass, but our old dog is starting to take over.
more to follow as time permits

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman.

---He was 83 when he lost his fight w/ the big, evil and terrible C. Great actor, great humanitarian as I have been learning this AM. Makes a darn good salad dressing too!

Peace to his family---

Friday, September 26, 2008

Surprise Balloon

It is not unusual to see balloons around here during the summer, how ever having one float just a few feet off the trees in your back yard is a little startling. C thought the experience was a little frightening but seems to have got over it. The balloon was a nice diversion to an otherwise lousy dinner (I.E. Crying baby, crabbing child, winning dog and no Mom). Typical Thursday!

Have a good weekend guys

---Isnt this economy stuff crazy? Wow! I hope that if any of you have invested anything that its in firm places and will be safe. What ya gonna do this weekend? Im spending the day with my Mom today cuz her Bday is tomorrow, but tomorrow I will be watching the kid at the ex's shop. Another custom clothing shop that is next door and is owned by some of her friends is having a grand opening so there will be extended hours for everyone. Kinda gonna suck if ya ask me. I dont wanna be there til 9 tomorrow night and I know the kid wont either. We'll figure something out.

By next week, its gonna top off in the mid 60s here all week, so it looks like fall will be here after all.....gonna be damn near 85 today. Ive had to lay D-Con in certain places around the house cuz Ive seen mice and I dont care what I have to do, those disgusting little bastards aint taking up winter shelter inside our home, no way.

I cant believe we are getting somewhat close to the year anniversary of Den's passing. Time flies.

Have a great weekend boys. Hope to see you back on here soon. Love yas---

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watch and enjoy!


---This is awesome, yet funny, yet totally cool. Ben Kingsley rocks it out as Ian Mackaye---

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall boys!!!

Happy Fall Boys!!!

---Well, happy autumn boys. Yet another season passes by and another begins. Im pretty well falled up here, how about you? Ive got everything except for our year round patio table and my one last patio chair stored in the basement. Ive got the grill all wrapped up and ready for winter too. Even though it'll be used prolly 2 or 3 more times, we have the lawn mower tucked in with it's special tarp. Now all we do is wait for temps. to drop here. This AM its cloudy and kinda chilly, but by next weekend its gonna be fucking 80 again!

Are you guys ready for fall?

I wanted to send a special message out to our homesquid Mr. Steve way out West. I dunno what kind of fall you experience in that part of the country, so I just wanted to say I hope you enjoy life, period.

And just think, it only gets better from here boys, old man winter’s alarm clock is set to countdown now!---

Friday, September 19, 2008

Have a good weekend boys!

---Well, Im glad we got a lot of chit chat in about those darn squinnys, but I just wanted to say have a good weekend guys. What kinda plans ya got? I have nothing all too super special planned, the yard work is all wrapped up, so Ill be with the kid all day tomorrow and Sunday Ill prolly plop down in front of the idiot box for a day of Football.

Cant do much else since Im broke cuz my Mom's Bday is next weekend and Ive been saving up for that.

Ive been listening to a bit of Hank Williams again so I cant say my musical selection has been fun and upbeat either.

I just wanted to say have a good weekend.---

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crazy Critters

---Here in the great state of Iowa the common Chipmunk is known as a "Squinny". I love these little guys. Sometimes, yes, they dig in areas you really dont want them to, but if ya wanna get technical, they were here first, so whatever. Ive heard stories of them destroying foundations in peoples homes...yeah, that bad. We dont have any troubles like that here in our back yard and they seem to hang out on a daily basis by the truck load until it gets really cold out, then they go into torpor, which is a deep ass sleep, but not yet total hibernation.

They love bird food.

I can find them any day when its not raining up in our bird feeders eating like little pigs and I can literally talk at them while standing a mere 3 or 4 feet away and they dont even flinch. I was just outside having a ciggy and there was one fat SOB up in the bird feeder eating away like mad and all I did was cuss at it and watch him go.

Interesting rodents they are. Very gutsy. Very social.

So, what have you guys been up to? I see the you (PJB) are going to some bike related thing next week I believe, whats that about, it sounds interesting. Scott, I hope big man C and your little wee one are doing absolutely wonderful.

I think fall starts in a few days, am I wrong? Some of the trees around here are actually slowly starting to change now, but we have a Cottonwood tree in our back yard that is dropping dead leaves like mad. Some around here say that is just how they are...I was a little worried at first.

chat soon boys, love yas.---

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just for Grins

Just for grins I clicked the "Jan 2006" tab residing on the right hand side of our little blog. It's right there under the Archive heading.
Have you seen that lately?
I'm not sure I ever did that before, and found it interesting.
Try it sometime you have a few minutes, kind of fun to scroll back the clock just 3 years, after all, that was the point of all this...


Sunday, September 14, 2008

True or false?

---Ive heard of this tale ever since I was young, growing up on the Northwest side of Chicago way back in the day. And now that we all mostly have kids of our own, I was curious to know if any of you have heard of this before. (By the way PJB, thanks for your post of the table of elements, that was pretty darn cool).

Ive always been told and Ive always believed, even to this day, that cooler days makes you more tired and relaxed and allows you to sleep better at night. Im not talking about Jan. or Feb. nights when its 25 below friggin zero, but more like those days when its in the upper 60s or so. Ive been told it has an effect on kids, making them fall asleep faster and sleep much deeper. I can even say that this still has an effect on me. Today is was about 65 here, cloudy and rather windy. I didnt do an effin thing today but run to the store early this AM and then proceed to watch football all day and I feel beat.

Im gonna call to talk to my small in a little bit then Ill be in bed. So, what do you think? What have ya heard? Does the cooler air knock the kids out easier?

What ya'll think?---

Things to Ponder

A little known fact about the Barson house, we have an educational bathroom...
Some time ago, while Tif was searching for a shower curtain, she came across one that was a map of the US. and a tradition was born, we have had shower curtains of Earth, the Solar system, and now we have the Periodic Table of the elements.
So I have been occasionally been ... um .... reading... this curtain, and have been fascinated by the names of the elements, and their corresponding Symbols.
Most symbols incorporate letters from their name, but several do not, for example "Golds" symbol is "Au".
Which starts me a wonderin',
Why would some get Symbols that don't match their names.
And If I were to "Discover" an element, what would I call it?
Would I name it after myself? Barson does have a certain ring to it, and would fit right in. or name it after where I live? Americum is taken, but Arlingtum is not.., or perhaps after something/Someone I hold dear, Tifinum?
Feel free to discuss, and share your thoughts

I did include a link in the title of this post, to a web table that is actually built of links that seem to describe the elements and their primary uses.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rainy day weekender blues...

---I thought I was all ready for this kind of weather. I somewhat guessed wrong. Well hell, at least we dont live in TX. right now, I think we should all say a small prayer for them. Anyway folk, its been raining here all dang day and it is supposed to continue to do so until Sun. AM. I love the rain in the fall, but this kinda snuck up on me. Runnin in to stay as dry as possible. Finding some type of shelter to hide next to/under when heading out for that darn smoke break. Those are the things Im not ready for just yet. Granted sure, I have had my fill of Summer, and for the next week, it doesnt look to get above 75, so fall is upon us, but still sometimes its a little hard to say goodbye to the Summer Winds.

Have a good weekend boys, whats up over yonder???---

Thursday, September 11, 2008

random thoughts

We're all fucked. It helps to remember that.
George Carlin

just liked the quote and the source

random thoughts

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.

Albert Einstein

what does that make me?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

random thoughts

Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


---Hi boys! Well, fall has definitely started to show its face around here and its pretty darn nice. Its back to sleepin with the windows virtually closed with the covers pulled up nice and tight. It was 41 degrees when I got up here at 7 this AM. None of the trees 'round here have really started to change colors yet, but there are a few, mainly the one in my backyard that is beginning to lose it's leaves at a very fast rate. Ill be out there raking the 1st round of leaves all up within the next couple of weekends.

I weighed myself this AM and I am now stuck around 164 lbs. which I am really happy about. This was on the new digital scale I just picked up to, so Im hoping it's accurate.

I am pretty fed up with pre election hype, but if I have forever made most of you stop talking politics here on the blog, then I guess my goal has been accomplished! NO NO NO!!!!!! I AM TOTALLY PLAYING with you guys, but its fine by me if you dont wanna discuss politics with an ultra right winger such as myself. All I will say is if McCain and Palin get in and pull this off, the next morning on this blog you will hear about it from me...gotta rub it in somewhere. Kiddin, love you guys.....

Hows things goin over yonder in Illinois? Has fall started to kinda set in yet? Hows the business PJB, still on the slow down? How are the wee ones Scott?

My daughter started Kindergarten a few weeks ago and she loves it. Weve only had one bad breakdown so far where she screamed for Momma quite a bit, but was fine 20 mins. later. We are having trouble getting her to eat breakfast and then an hour after school has begun, she tells her teacher thats shes "starving". I need to talk with her again about the breakfast thing. I mean, even I eat breakfast now. I eat all pure shit for breakfast, but its not her concern what Im eating but more why I am eating to begin with.

The ex and I are doing as best we can for the kid's sake. Sometimes its hard as can be and on some days we have a great time. Right now, she is having a major over haul of her shop take place. Fresh paint, new colors, lingerie dept. upstairs, bridal dept. upstairs. She is also giving her websites all a new look with her new logo, name and so on. Its been hella busy for her for the past several weeks, but the act of getting the physical makeover wrapped up should be all done by tomorrow afternoon.

I have no idea as to what my daughter wants to be for Halloween this year, I will ask her tomorrow.

My Moms Birthday is in a couple weeks, which even hurts more? Den's Birthday is next week. This will be the first one for us to endure since his passing late last year. That and then my Mom has their anniversary to make it through and then her and I will have been through every major annual event in life without him here, so we are gettin there!

So, whats up boys? PJB, you gonna cut back your shop hours once fall is in full effect? I think this year my ex will definitely cut her open hours back once old man winter sets in. Right now she is closed Sun-Tues. and I am betting she adds Weds. to that also once winter starts his thing. She makes so much damn money on website sales that she doesnt havta rely on her actual store to make ends meet, its just an addition to what she already has.

So, brothers, whats the haps???---

Thursday, September 04, 2008

random thoughts

The big thieves hang the little ones.

Czech Proverb

well I've had my month off and am now back at work. spent most of my time fixing stuff for our new goats.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

---So, did any of you do anything special to say goodbye to Summer '08? I pulled the grill out one last time and we finished off the steaks in the fridge. It was steamy and hot here today also which didnt make it fun to stand in front of a grill, I think Ive outgrown that bullshit. By mid-week though, its supposed to be like 75 and cloudy. Fall is closer than some of us may think!

When I have some more time this week, Im gonna look into the thing about getting shipped off to Vietnam instead of jail time and whether or not it is true.

Im pretty happy w/ J. McCain's pick for his VP runnin mate, she comes off as being quite gutsy and definitely not intimidated by the best thing since sliced bread, Obama.

Well, thats about it. Hopefully, these high temps. will soon drop off for good and we will be able to welcome autumn into our region!

Whats up with you?---