Monday, September 01, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

---So, did any of you do anything special to say goodbye to Summer '08? I pulled the grill out one last time and we finished off the steaks in the fridge. It was steamy and hot here today also which didnt make it fun to stand in front of a grill, I think Ive outgrown that bullshit. By mid-week though, its supposed to be like 75 and cloudy. Fall is closer than some of us may think!

When I have some more time this week, Im gonna look into the thing about getting shipped off to Vietnam instead of jail time and whether or not it is true.

Im pretty happy w/ J. McCain's pick for his VP runnin mate, she comes off as being quite gutsy and definitely not intimidated by the best thing since sliced bread, Obama.

Well, thats about it. Hopefully, these high temps. will soon drop off for good and we will be able to welcome autumn into our region!

Whats up with you?---


dad-e~O said...

watch very carefully as I don't respond to political stuff,

but mention that I worked on labor day, although the shop is getting slower, there is still hay to be made when the sun shines....
much to Tif's dismay

Sickboy said...

What? Now all you fucking little girls are not gonna talk politics?

dad-e~O said...

I'm sure someone with a bigger brain then mine has a great quote about not talking politics with friends....
our views vary so drastically that talking will very likely end in arguing..
I have the same problem with Mongo and "Unions"...
We shall forever agree to disagree.
such is the way of life,

How do you like your steak cooked?
I prefer mine rare.