Monday, September 15, 2008

Just for Grins

Just for grins I clicked the "Jan 2006" tab residing on the right hand side of our little blog. It's right there under the Archive heading.
Have you seen that lately?
I'm not sure I ever did that before, and found it interesting.
Try it sometime you have a few minutes, kind of fun to scroll back the clock just 3 years, after all, that was the point of all this...



Sickboy said...

yeah, I do that every now and again. Ive become more and more conservative with time, its makes me laugh. Not only that, its just fun to do!

Scott said...

So I go to Jan 06 and start reading and then think to my self WTF!!! I didn't write this!

Well I guess I am getting old and forgetful, it took me a few to remember that I did not write all those posts. A few were written by Eric... who did not yet have his own account.

Sickboy said...

yeah, I remember that. At that time Scott, we did share your acct. I hadnt one of my own yet.

Sickboy said...

by the way PJB, I love the heading you place under the labels section..."ramblings of a lunatic". It just fits ya. =)