Tuesday, September 09, 2008


---Hi boys! Well, fall has definitely started to show its face around here and its pretty darn nice. Its back to sleepin with the windows virtually closed with the covers pulled up nice and tight. It was 41 degrees when I got up here at 7 this AM. None of the trees 'round here have really started to change colors yet, but there are a few, mainly the one in my backyard that is beginning to lose it's leaves at a very fast rate. Ill be out there raking the 1st round of leaves all up within the next couple of weekends.

I weighed myself this AM and I am now stuck around 164 lbs. which I am really happy about. This was on the new digital scale I just picked up to, so Im hoping it's accurate.

I am pretty fed up with pre election hype, but if I have forever made most of you stop talking politics here on the blog, then I guess my goal has been accomplished! NO NO NO!!!!!! I AM TOTALLY PLAYING with you guys, but its fine by me if you dont wanna discuss politics with an ultra right winger such as myself. All I will say is if McCain and Palin get in and pull this off, the next morning on this blog you will hear about it from me...gotta rub it in somewhere. Kiddin, love you guys.....

Hows things goin over yonder in Illinois? Has fall started to kinda set in yet? Hows the business PJB, still on the slow down? How are the wee ones Scott?

My daughter started Kindergarten a few weeks ago and she loves it. Weve only had one bad breakdown so far where she screamed for Momma quite a bit, but was fine 20 mins. later. We are having trouble getting her to eat breakfast and then an hour after school has begun, she tells her teacher thats shes "starving". I need to talk with her again about the breakfast thing. I mean, even I eat breakfast now. I eat all pure shit for breakfast, but its not her concern what Im eating but more why I am eating to begin with.

The ex and I are doing as best we can for the kid's sake. Sometimes its hard as can be and on some days we have a great time. Right now, she is having a major over haul of her shop take place. Fresh paint, new colors, lingerie dept. upstairs, bridal dept. upstairs. She is also giving her websites all a new look with her new logo, name and so on. Its been hella busy for her for the past several weeks, but the act of getting the physical makeover wrapped up should be all done by tomorrow afternoon.

I have no idea as to what my daughter wants to be for Halloween this year, I will ask her tomorrow.

My Moms Birthday is in a couple weeks, which even hurts more? Den's Birthday is next week. This will be the first one for us to endure since his passing late last year. That and then my Mom has their anniversary to make it through and then her and I will have been through every major annual event in life without him here, so we are gettin there!

So, whats up boys? PJB, you gonna cut back your shop hours once fall is in full effect? I think this year my ex will definitely cut her open hours back once old man winter sets in. Right now she is closed Sun-Tues. and I am betting she adds Weds. to that also once winter starts his thing. She makes so much damn money on website sales that she doesnt havta rely on her actual store to make ends meet, its just an addition to what she already has.

So, brothers, whats the haps???---

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