Monday, March 20, 2006

3 Years to the Day...

So here we are 3 years gone into Iraq.

What do you think? Better? Worse? Same off? Have our soldiers died in vain or is there an honest cause to their demise?

I wanna know how you feel. Do tell.

come fly with me. Frank Sinatra.


Scott said...

I think its time to bring in a consultant or at least fire the CEO and his bumbling cronies.

Turkey Shoot, Killdozer

Scott said...

Sorry guys but Eric’s provocative questions inspired me to rant… I’ll do my best to get over it.

Did our soldiers die in vain? I don’t believe I am qualified to answer that, could we just defer that question to God? I have a very hard time dealing with war. Historically wars usually only serve the wealthy and elite of any given nation or cause. So for me the question seems more like. Is it a noble act to serve your leader with your life? I personally can think of a few people I would be willing to take a bullet for, however none of them works for any government or religious cause that I know of.

Should we stay or should we go?
I have thought from the very beginning that going this alone was a really bad idea! But oddly enough even though I did not support a preemptive war with only limited support, I do however believe we should finish what we started. My dad gave me this sage advice once, to never walk away from a dispute until it is fully resolved. He gave me a painful example of how he had been in a fight with somebody long ago. As his story goes the person was upset by him and wanted very badly to fight him. My father felt this individual was not in his league and truly no match for him. This individual however was very persistent and eventually my father relented and as he put it “let him have it”, he said “I knocked him to the ground and then I decided that he was no longer worth pursuing, so I turned around and walked away.” As my dad walked away the other still agitated guy got up found a 2x4 and clocked my dad in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. So my dad’s advice to me was this “If you have to get into a fight make sure you finish it. Make sure your opponent does not have the capacity to harm you when you walk away.”

So what do I think? Where fuck are the peacemakers? Where are leaders with out pernicious self-righteous motives? I cannot think of a single leader in our world as of late that has exhibited any thing but a capricious and callous disregard for any one but the small groups of wealthy elite they represent. I am at a loss to name any one leader, who is alive and effective today and truly represents any one but their own selfish beliefs! It saddens me to no end to see how full of hate we have allowed all of our selves to become in the name of those who lead us. Why does it seem no matter which side of the line you think you live on, you are just a pawn in some rich guys hard line of holy values.

Day and Night, Billy Holiday

Sickboy said...

Very, VERY well said! I could not agree with you more. I do think we need to finish what we started now also because of the situation.

nothing yet...too early.

Scott said...

I feel like I have a rant hangover, it is so hard not to contradict your self.

Made of Money, Adam Ant

Sickboy said...

By the by, TOTALLY loved and appreceiated your rant Scott!!!!

dad-e~O said...

well, I haven't chimed in a bit, mainly because I been a bit busy with work but I will sound off on this.
I think it may be justified to stop something midway.. if you realize starting was a bad idea, although I do appreaciate your fathers sage advice. there is somthing to be said for learning from your mistakes. we would still be listening to the daily death toll in Vietnam if the "subversives" of the 60's and 70's didn't have the abbility to convince others of the error of our ways.
Unfortunatly, we are in a world situation not unlike your fathers street problem. If we turn our back on our enimies they will hit us from behind, they did afterall learn to fight from us.
Our current adminastration is ill aquiped to resolve this particulart problem (and certinanly the alternative would have had trouble as well), hopefully lady fortune will smile upon us for our next leadership and give us someone who's goal is the greater good. not the good of his family and their bankers.

hopefully I have managed to comunicate the conundrum this presents for me when replying to your question and rant. (do I sound republican)

Scott said...

Thank you Pete for your eloquent reply. I would never mistake you for any political affiliation.

dad-e~O said...

upon re-reading my responce I realize I didn't sound as much a republican as I did a drunken dufas. thanks for your patience.

whip and chain, ministry