Friday, March 31, 2006

Calling PJ, Come In PJ...

So, is your (outgoing) email not working for real? Why dont you get a hotmail account?

Isnt it funny how we get so dependant on technology yet as soon as something goes wrong with it, we feel helpless. Ive been there quite a few times myself. Computers, cel phones and so on...they seem to have us all by the balls.

Ring of Fire. J. Cash.


dad-e~O said...

yes, I suck. one of these days I will un install yahoo compleatly and reinstall. untill then I reply to e-mails using my work account.
lame but.... whatever.

Sickboy said...

OK, as long as I know youre getting them, its all good. Did you get the party invite?

dad-e~O said...

yep. I need to check my work schedule, My other managers are doing some traveling.

sly and the family stone, woodstock

Sickboy said...

well, otherwise, Ill be in town all week, so we will have plenty of time to get together. We will figure something out...maybe you can get that night off..

Bales of Cocaine. Rev. Horton Heat.