Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finding the Offmen

So, I know where a few of these guys are. I'll see if I can figure out how to invite them to the blog.

Is the Tom J. at the bottom of the list supposed to be Tom Rap? I just called him on the phone due to this inspiration. I need to get everyone's email addresses and stuff.

As the first, and to my lacking knowledge, last Grand Poobah, I propose that we find these folks. And once we do, there can be a conspiracy to plan a reunion, replete with 80's music and possibly large hair. Maybe even some superfluous belts and safety pins.


dad-e~O said...

I assumed Tom J. was Tom Jones. but I don't recognise many of these names. I was out of circulation for a long time.
nice web-site Mike.

kitty empire, big black

dad-e~O said...

Oh yea,
sign me up for a reunion party, with mabye a morning after brunch galla, something a little more tame to invite our families to.

Michael said...

Definitely right about Tom Jones. I forgot about him. I'll add Tom R to the list.

I'm all for the family. They can come to the party too! Sippy cups can hold beer too!

Sickboy said...

yes, a reunion is definitley in order. Something...anything....it has been too long and we have all drawn too far apart.

again nothing. I need more music.

Scott said...

Sippy cups and beer, what a great idea! I think we have a theme.

Voices Carry, Til Tuesday

Scott said...

Thanks for adding Tom R


dad-e~O said...

Who's Mike M.?

Michael said...

Mike McGovern. You can see his picture on the new header. He's the one to the right of Tippy in the white T Shirt above the 'nation' in the title.

dad-e~O said...

I remember Mike M. Tiffany (my wife) used to date his little brother, gave her a bit of a start when she realized we kind of new some of the same people but not each other (She met Mike Thumm at a party)

Michael said...

That is a little scary. Luckily, my wife didn't know any of you. Did she??? Come on now, you can tell me...

I invited some of the guys whose addresses I had. We'll see who shows up.

Michael said...

I think Tom is right. This should be more about beer than hair. We could use sippy cups for bourbon though. No foam there.
We could pass out hairspray at the door.

Scott said...

My vote.

Yummy Bourbon yes.
Big hair No!

dad-e~O said...

the irish make much bette whiskey then the kentuckians. I vote for that Jamesons be the officail sponcer of the OffMan reunion party.

Scott said...

Whiskey and bourbon can be so subjective. I've been to the Jameson distillery and learned about their process, and I like their product, but think there is something to be said for a nice smoky-peaty scotch or smooth single barrel bourbon. Ironically most Irish whiskey and Scotch are mellowed in used Bourbon casks imported from Kentucky.

Lately I have been enjoying rye whiskey, America’s first manufactured spirit. I find the flavor to be a bit more aggressive than the other varieties of whiskey, and it seems to agree with me better, I think that has to do with it not being a corn product.

Wesley Willis, Jello-biafra

dad-e~O said...

I haven't explored rye... yet, to me scotch is good for specific moods, but Jamesons is good for getting lit-up. unpretentios, but more defined then the simalrly priced bourbons. don't get me wrong, I love a glass of bourbon as well. whiskey is after all where it's at.

Scott said...

With out a doubt, the Irish did invent the stuff

Suicidal thoughts, The Notorious BIG