Friday, March 03, 2006

It's been a long week

So it's been a long week and I think that it'd be nice to just vent at the fucks of the world that I deal with on a day to day basis. since the chances of any of my employees seeing this are fairly slim and If they do they can be first cut that day.
Why do people suck?
Why do people walk into a restuarant with a cell phone attached to their fat faces and motion to get sat?
Why do people think they can walk into a place and ask for a table of 7 during a peak buisness time without a reservation? and when you tell them there is now room get pissy. " I eat here all the time" ...then you should have known how fucking small and how godamn busy we are you self rightous little schmuck.
If you walk into a place after service stops but before it's empty do yourself a favor. Don't mock the policy it ain't gonna indear your cause with the inforcers of the policy. "what kind of place closes at 10?" this kind dick face, get lost. "I thought this was chicago" It is.. you drunk prick.. but you are in the financial district, not party town. get in a cab. Talk to your hotel concierge about where is good to party untill the wee hours. not me.
And guess what servers, although I do want you to make as much mony as possible, I don't want you to tell me about it. I don't make as much money as you do on a good shift so shut up. I don't tell you what I make. And while we're talking about it. Part of my daily goals is to keep from getting bitched at by the masses. So when I ask you to do something can you just fuckin do it. If I give you something to read, study it. it's your new goddam bible. Why do you think I need to focus my entire life on you. I refuse to cut the floor and be your back waiter so you can make some extra cash. I will not do your job for you. I have a job thanks.

For those of you not in the F&B buisness check out "stained apron .com" it's painful some of the shit that people do and say to service staff. Managers included.. we can be shitty group. I certainly try not to be.. but we all have our moments. and like Steve Albini (or mabye someone else) said, I am the ugly american. I am so full of anger at times that to not swear at people takes all the energy I have.
Do you call a place for something and when they don't have it ask where does? then ask for the phone number? I have had people call for same day reservations for large parties, and when we are booked get snitty, when I suggest a place close by "No I don't like that place. Any where else" seriosly, no please no thank you, nothing, just self important people who think we are in the service buisness so we should serve.
And here's another little annecdote while I'm at it. My proprty is owned by a small group of investors (one of whom also owns a large local shopping mall) Every sunday we need to hold a table during our peak time 11:30 for one of the owners (not the Mall owner), his wife and their bratty little daughter. any old table won't do. they need the table in the corner that seats 6 people. and they may or may not come in and rarely bother to call. And when they do come in they are a huge pain to wait on. everything must be just so. this water. this mocha. this server. special crayons and scissors for princess brat.
Yes, thats right ladies and gentlemen today at least I hate my godamn good for shit job.
But tomorrow I will probably feel better.


Scott said...

Pete, I loved your rant! I can relate to the guy on the cell phone for I often feel it is I on the other end of that call taking care of his emergency Friday night... while they eat.


Sickboy said...

This is the best entry I have yet to read here. It was real and full of passion. I was afraid to step out of the box here and get preachy and bitchy, but thanks to you, I think I will step up more often now.

good one!! A+